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Q: Can you add a little yeast with baking powder to make your pastry softer?
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Related questions

Can you use baking powder in cookies if the recipe calls for baking soda?

Baking powder and baking soda both act as a leavening agent. They would do the same thing

Can you make shortbread using self raising flour?

Yes you can, but it results are different.

How do all-purpose flour and self-rising flour differ?

You have to read the label.

Is baking powder better for baking?

One is not better than the other. Baking soda will make the cookies crisper, and make them rise more. Baking powder will make them softer. Take your pick. I baked cookies with baking soda and it made the cookies look more like sticky bread than cookies. You absolutely can NOT use baking soda at all. Baking powder is for cookies, baking soda is for stuff you want to rise (like bread). The answer above is false.

What is use of baking soda?

baking soda is generally used in cakes recipes to make them fluffier and softer .

Do you use baking powder and soda with cake flour?

Baking powder is a dry chemical leavening agent used to increase the volume and lighten the texture of baked goods such as muffins, cakes, scones and American-style biscuits. Baking powder works by releasing carbon dioxide gas into a batter or dough through an acid-base reaction, causing bubbles in the wet mixture to expand and thus leavening the mixture. hmmm, and in non-wikipedia terms, basically it helps the cake to rise, and usually you add a pinch of salt to the mix, because it makes the baking powder taste less soapy :D hope this helps!

Qualities of well-made bread cake and pastry?

It depends on the type of product you are looking at. Depending on the type of bread, you may want it softer or with more of a crust. Some qualities to look for in general are.... * Taste (bread, pastry) * Freshness (bread, pastry) * Flakyness (pastry) * Airyness (bread, pastry) * Softeness (bread, pastry) * Buttery taste (pastry) * Sweetness (pastry) * Crust (bread) * Consistency (bread, pastry) * Not too dry / chalky (bread, pastry) * Density / Denseness (bread, pastry)

How do you softer malted milk powder that has hardened?

You don't if it is that old or has got wet, it is not fit to eat/drink.

What happens if milk powder is used in a croissant dough?

Milk powder softens the crumb achieved in breadmaking. You will end up with a softer croissant by using milk or milk powder, as opposed to water. (Milk and milk powder give a very similar result).

Why is egg used in cake baking?

I think it sticks it together and makes it softer. :¬¦) lol mustashy man

When baking is there something you can substitue for baking soda?

No, if you use baking powder to replace the baking soda it will alter the dish you are cooking. In cookies, baking soda makes for crispier cookies, and baking powder makes softer cookies. But, no they aren't interchangeable.

Should you cook the apples before baking an apple pie?

Cooking apples before baking them in a pie is up to the cook. It can be done either way. Cooking or sauteing the apples before baking will make a softer apple filling. The apples will be crunchier if they are not cooked or sauteed before baking.