

Can you bathe a10 day old puppy?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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12y ago

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you shouldn't do that because that puppy will have trouble keeping its body temperature up and she could get sick. its better to buy puppy wipies

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Q: Can you bathe a10 day old puppy?
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Can you bathe a puppy at 3 week?

No,if a 3 week old puppy needs a bath,please call your vet and ask if you can use a dry shampoo.

Is it safe to bathe 1 week old puppies?

You might want to wait until your puppy is at least 6 weeks old. But, if you do want to bathe ur puppy make sure you use a shampoo for dogs.Also use a sponge since its very small. Don't put alot of shampoo. Then towel dry the puppy very well (because puppies get cold very easily) then reward the them with a treat. (:

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yes it is to young to bathe. you should ask your vet on info on pet care

When you can give your puppy a bath?

i wouldn't give it a bath until at least a year and a half and make sure its warm not hot or not cold. another writer--I disagree, I don't think you have to wait until it is a year and a half. You can bathe them when they are a few weeks old. On the other hand, dogs don't need a bath every day like people. You don't need to bathe your puppy unless he gets dirty. I do agree that the water should be warm, not hot or cold, and also when you dry him a human hair drier on the hot setting is too hot for your dog. I like to bathe mine in hot weather, towel dry them and then let them dry themselves in the sun.

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I have showered with my boxer since he was a puppy. I shower first then I turn the water down to about "luke-warm" and put him in and bathe him. I have had him since he was about 10 weeks old.

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