

Can you be 11 years old and still be able to join Twitter?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Twitter states in their policy that you should be at least 13 years old to have an account.

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Q: Can you be 11 years old and still be able to join Twitter?
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Can you be 12 and still be able to join Twitter?

You can if u want!!!!! you can be on twitter that age.. Twitter,Unlike other Social networking sites,doesn't ask your Age and Gender.

How old do you have to be before you can join Twitter?

You must be 13 years old to create a Twitter account.

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Their privacy policy states that you should be at least 13 years old to use Twitter.

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The join date on the Twitter profile cannot be removed.

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On Twitter, you can invite your msn contacts to join Twitter.

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its free

How old you have to be to get Twitter?

The law suggests that you are HAVE to be 13 to be able to use websites like Facebook and Twitter , but Twitter doesn't ask your Date of Birth or Gender so I guess you can access it at any age.

Do you have to be 16 to join Twitter?

no you have to be ten or older

How old to you have to be to join Twitter?

Twitter says you need to be 13,although they don't ask the age.