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If you want to you can. I am still waiting to have my appointment , so i would preferr being awake and not asleep because who knows what can happen.

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Q: Can you be asleep during a root canal?
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Is it possible for a dentist to do a root canal pain free?

You can elect to be put completely under during a root canal. You will have some pain once you wake up.

which dental are best for root Canal in Roorkee?

Best Dentist for Root canal treatment in Roorkee. Dental Square, offers this treatment to their patients. During a root canal procedure, the dentist will remove the damaged or infected portion of the tooth's pulp, which is the soft tissue located inside the tooth. At Dental Square in Roorkee, patients can expect a comfortable and professional experience during their root canal treatment. If you have a dental problem book your appointment today. Best Dentist for root canal treatment in Roorkee.

Does a root canal have any affects on pregnant women?

Yes. It is safe to do root canal treatment during pregnancy. But you tend to avoid the same in first trimester of pregnancy.

Can a person exercise after a root canal?

Yes you can exercise after a root canal. It will have no interfierence.

How painful is a root canal on a scale of 1 to 10?

Pain depends on the severity of the infection, the depth of the root canal, the "skill" of the dentist, and your pain threshold. There's lots of factors in a root canal which can increase/decrease pain. I've personally had three root canals. At some points during, it is not comfortable at all. I've never felt pain during any of my root canals, probably because of the anasthetic which is used. In my last root canal I had a small ache afterwards for two days, which I'd pitch at around 2 out of 10.

What is the insurance coding used when applying MTAD in root canal procedure?

MTAD is just an irrgiant using during the endodontic procedure. There would be no code for it, it was just be included in the root canal fee and code.

Is the Panama Canal close to the root canal?

The Panama Canal is in Panama, about 1600 miles from the southernmost border of the United States.A root canal is a dental procedure, not a canal.

What is the medical code for Root canal Anterior?

The medical code for root canal Anterior is D3310.

Is bananas good for root canal pain?

yes bananas is good for root canal pain

Can you get dry socket from a root canal?

No. By definition, a 'dry socket' is a painful condition that occurs following a tooth extraction, not a root canal. That is not to say that you cannot have pain following a root canal. You can, particularly if the tooth was acutely infected at the time of the root canal, or if the root canal is incomplete. You should consult with the dentist who performed the procedure and follow his/her recommendations.

I have a root canal but want to take out the root canal?

Im not sure of the question but sounds like the doctor already removed the inerts of the tooth and placed a filling into the root. That is what a root canal therapy is. If you want to remove the root canal filling material and replace it with a more biocompatible material there are dentist that do that.

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.