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No, not 'simple assault.' A 'harrassment' or 'stalking' or "making telephonic threats' charge might be another matter though

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Q: Can you be charged with simple assault for a phone threat with no witnesses?
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If a person threatens to kill you what crime can they be charged with?

The person can be charged with making criminal threats or assault, depending on the laws in the jurisdiction. Making threats with the intent to harm someone is a serious crime that can result in criminal charges and potential prosecution.

What is Simple assault?

It is the threat of a battery. It would mean threatening to commit a battery on someone with the present ability to carry out the threat. It is a class B misdemeanor with a possible penalty of 6 months in jail and possible fine of up to $1500.

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Is telling someone you are coming after them an assault?

No, that is a known as a 'threat.'

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Violence or the threat (verbal threat) of violence is considered assault in the United States. The threat of violence is a crime and can result in jail time.

An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another is?

Assault. It involves the intentional creation of a reasonable apprehension of harm or offensive contact in another person. It does not require physical contact, only the threatened action.

How can you press assault charges if you were defending yourself?

Self-defense is a defense to the charge of assault, providing the accused can show they were not the primary aggressor and that they withdrew from the fray as soon as there was no further threat to their safety. Unless there are independent witnesses to the incident, the determination of who was the primary aggressor and when the fight stopped is often a matter of one person's word against another's.

Is a verbal threat considered an assault in England?

No, but using threatening language is an offence.

What are the charges if found guilty for threatening?

Depends on the laws where you live. In general, an "assualt" is a threat to do bodily harm, accompanied by the present apparent ability to do that harm. A "battery" is carrying out that threat. The charge will be dependent on the type of threat.

What is the name of the crime when someone threatens you?

This is usually known as assault. The severity depends on whether the threat was with a weapon or simple. Other threats, such as bomb threats or terrorism threat, are much more severe.Another VIew: Depending on the jurisdiction in question, verbal threats are just that: "Threats" or, if done in public, "Disorderly Conduct."In most (all?) juirisdictions the crime of "assault" involves the necessity of actually touching the aggrieved person.

Is verbal bullying a threat?

What constitutes a verbal threat is in oral communication to express the intent to rob, assault or in other ways physically or economically harm the person spoken to. In some cases written threats might go under this category, depending on the severity.

What is the difference between assult and battery?

Assault is the threat of harm. Battery is the act of inflicting harm