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Q: Can you be depressed but still be happy some times?
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Related questions

What are some of the antonym of depressed?

Some antonyms of "depressed" are joyful, happy, elated, content.

Why is it when one person gets depressed the other one gets happy?

just life Answer They are either trying to cheer you up or, for some reason, they like the fact that you are depressed. And yes, there are times when people take pleasure in the fact that someone close to them is depressed. Sad, but true.

I just got demerits and I'm now depressed How to make myself happy?

If you just got demerits and are feeling depressed, a way to make yourself happy is to listen to some upbeat music.

Are you really happy with your life?

Some times Yes i am happy, some times i am not sure.

Are most fat people depressed and or single?

Well, no. Some are happy with who they are. But some are single because they're fat... But some aren't.

How do you get over being depressed?

Do happy things, count your blessings of what you DO have, not what you don't, and go to the doctor and get some medications if needed.

Can you still be happy with no serotonin whatsoever?

Nope. You need some.

Were medieval lords happy?

Just like people in othe times and places, medieval lords were happy and some times and unhappy at others.

Could you be depressed?

anybody could be depressed at some time.

Do cats purr when they are depressed?

Yes, actually they can purr when they are depressed, sick, or hurt. Some people think it's soothing for them - their mothers purred to them when they were kittens, and yes, they do purr when they're happy. See the Related Links for a good article about it.

Why do keep trying to make me happy when i'm depressed?

supposedly those people care about you and it's much healthier to be happy! but you can do it yourself: -try and smile everyday even if it's about nothing -do things with friends whenever you can -watch some comedy frequently -perhaps join a club of some sort

Why some have depressed navels while others have protruding navels?

why some have depressed navels while others have protruding navels.