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Q: Can you be nauseous one day and the next day not?
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What happens if you put on nail polish that was slightly toxic and you chipped a nail while putting on and the next day you feel nauseous and your foot is swollen?

the nail polish will mess up!! and it will be your fault!! burn!!

What is 'the next day but one'?

The day after tomorrow.

Why do you get nauseous all day when you are pregnant?

Because of lots of hormones caused by the baby

Do shy guys flirt one day and the next day ignore you?

Yes one day they will have the guts to flirt and the next they wont they also may be less inclined to flirt the next day if they didn't get a good reaction from you.

What fraction of the cake is left if you ate .625 one day and .5 the next day?

If you ate 0.625 one day then you have not got enough to eat 0.5 the next day.

How many hours is 12 am to 2 am the next day?

12 AM one day to 2 AM the next day is 26 hours.

How do you spell nauscious?

The correct spelling of the adjective is nauseous(queasy, sickened).

What is nauseous?

nauseous is when your stomach starts to ache and hurt

How do you use the word nauseous in a sentence?

I am very nauseous

Why would the car heater work fine one day but not at all the next?

It sounds like it broke between one day and the next day. Maybe a blown fuse?

How do you move to the next day on howrse?

You either use one of your aging points or wait till the next day

Can you wash your hair one day and get a perm the next day?

It is possible.