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if you haven't had sex since your period, then you're almost certainly not pregnant.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you had a three day period and it was heavy can you still be pregnant?
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Is it possiable to get pregnant on your period?

Yes you can get pregnant a friend got pregnant three times while on period.

Three days delayed and got your period and your doc said you should have pregnancy test and resulted was weakly positive your period is heavy is that an early miscarriage or are you pregnant?

some1 answer this question plz same thing is happening to me but i was 5 days late i also was told to do test and was a faint positive but not faint enough to be an evaporation line my period is lighter then usual but still quite heavy whats going on? am i or not?someone help please

What if you get your period three days after sex?

Then you're not pregnant...

If you have late period for three days and you spot dry discharge are you pregnant?

Probably not pregnant. You just had a short period, for whatever reason.

Can you get pregnant about two or three weeks before your period?


Can you still get pregnant even after you had your full period?

yes my sister had baby and she was having regular periods for three months in fourth month she start having movement she went to the Doctor and found her self pregnant

If your period comes early does that mean you are pregnant?

You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.

I did a digital test and showed i was pregnant then i got what appears to be my period.?

you can still be pregnant if it was positive -u probably experecine implatation bleeding which is lighter than a normal period and last to one-three days only--go make the ob/gyn appt congrats

Could you be pregnant if your period was a couple days late and it was very heavy with lots of bloods clots and lasted for three days and a pregnancy test a day before it started was negative?

could be but probably not you were just probably stressed and your period got out of whack

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

Why do you miss your period three times?

If you are not pregnant, you should see your doctor.

Can a women get pregnant three weeks after period?

Depending on when you ovulate - yes.