

Can you be pregnant if you have a nagtive test?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It depends on the test you are talking about and the time you had the test taken. It is possible to still be pregnant if you have gotten a negative home pregnancy test. Normally it takes between 12-19 days for implantation to take place. 2 days after the implantation the HCG levels with be present in your urine and then you will be able to see a positive result. It appears sooner in your blood so a blood test can detect pregnancy sooner.

However , though it is rare, there are some women who are pregnant and the HCG levels don't show up in their blood till they are sometimes 3 or more months along. If you think you are pregnant and have all the symptoms but keep getting a negative result, I would suggest getting an ultra-sound... if they see a fetus you are pregnant.

Hope this helps :)

Been there and didn't test positive till late into my pregnancy.

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