

Can you be sued by your employer?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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16y ago

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no you cant you lazy git

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Immanuel Gibson

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2y ago
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16y ago

The answer depends on the laws of the state where the accident occurred, so you must check those first. In general, if the state has Workers Compensation laws and if the injury occurred during the course of and in connection with the job, the person will not be allowed to file a standard lawsuit in court against the employer. Most likely, the person will be limited to filing a Workers Compensation claim in accordance with the Workers Comp laws.

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13y ago

yesa, if you can prove the employer was At Fault for the cause of the injury.

The answer above is entirely wrong, and ignores 70 years of Workers Comp law.

If you receive WC benefits because of a work related injury, you are prohibited from suing the employer in federal or state court. All judges will dismiss any attempt to sue the employer. Fault and negligence are not issues - WC is all you get from the employer.

If a third party's negligence caused your at work injury, you can try suing the third party. Proving NEGLIGENCE is notoriously difficult and plaintiffs have the entire burden of proof.

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10y ago

A person can sue heir job if they are feel they are not paying enough but it will be difficult to win unless a contract was put in place. Generally, employers must pay a minimum wage but have few pay requirements beyond this.

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13y ago

Yes, and employer can sue an employee only if the suit is reasonable and and confirmed ny the law.

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16y ago

Yes, and I've seen it happen too. If you go through with an illegal act against them (such as stealing money or equipment) they can very well take you to court.

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12y ago

no you cant you lazy git

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It would depend on the situation. In some cases age is a determining factor in certain jobs, for instance you have to be at least 21 to be a bartender.

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You probably can be sue. If the terms are breach by the driver eg. Using the vehicle at the wrong time which cause demages to the car.

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File a complaint with who and for what? A former employer can be sued. If they signed documents when they came to work for an employer and later violated the agreements be they secrecy agreements or whatever then violated the agreements of course they can be held liable in civil court for these violations.

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Absolutely, especially if the driver injures or kills someone while on the clock. The victim can sue, the city, the state...they can all sue you.

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No. Your employer would be responsible, although you may face difficulties if you intentionally made something dangerous so that it would cause injury.

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There is NO federal law on this; it is a state-by-state issue. Never can an employer be sued for telling the truth, "Pat was fired 15 days ago", since that's true. In many states, a former employer cannot be subject to a suit for defamation for revealing even more details to a prospective employer. A growing trend is to extend "privilege" to the former employer for anything it says about your performance, attendance, or skill. Privileged communication means no defamation suit is possible. Washington employers gained that privilege last year. Check your state rules.

Can you sue your old job for firing you on false accusations?

In the US, only people and corporations can be sued. Intangible nouns, like jobs, cannot be sued. If your termination was unlawful, you may have a legitimate civil suit against the former employer. Legal grounds for termination vary by state and type of employment. If you think you have grounds for a wrongful termination action, speak with an attorney in your area that practices employment law. If you are union or not in an at will employment state, and the employer knew or had reason to know the allegations were false, you may have a claim.