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yes. that's normal. you wont show until like 4-5 mths.

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Q: Can you be three months pregnant an not have much of a belly?
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Is it unusual for me as a woman to be thinking about trying to get fat after I have my baby because I love my big pregnant belly?

No, its not. If you like your big pregnant belly so much, then just get pregnant again. Your so silly. Nooo!! I don't want to get pregnant again, I just want the belly!!

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heck yes you can. i just found out i am three months pregnant after taking three false negatives and then finally going to the doctor because i hasn't had my period for three months. and they told me i was pregnant. so yeah it i s possible. very much so.

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6 months

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Mariah Carey is about three months pregnant I know her very well she is trying to stay away from the spotlight as much as she can till she's ready to tell the media and the whole world she will be announcing her pregnancy by the end of this month.

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months between 8 or 9

How should a belly look at three weeks pregnant?

At three weeks pregnant most women aren't even aware that they are pregnant. Your belly wont look any different at all. Women who are extremely petite and small built might start to show as early as 7-10 weeks but that is just if she lifts her shirt up and looks in front of the mirror. Most likely, other people will not notice her pregnancy until much later.

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How much weight normal in 7 months pregnancy?

In general, women gain pproximately 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy.

How do i know if my guinea pigs pregnant?

Her belly will be shaped like a pear she will not let you rub her belling she will not sun around as much

How much months in 3 and a hal years?

There are 42 months in three and a half years.

When she was pregnant how much months is she now?

Please ask again and add who the person is this time so we can answer.

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.