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Basically, it depends on whether the prospective employer will hire you.

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Q: Can you become a doorman with a criminal record?
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Do drugs come off your criminal record?

Not unless they occurred prior to your 18th birthday. If you were an adult they become a permanent part of your criminal history record.

Can you become a police officer with a criminal record of actual bodily harm?

No. Not in the US.

Can you become a licensed insurance agent with a criminal record?

No. Unless it has been expunged.

would i be able to become a daycare provided with a crimal record?

No, you cannot operate or work at a daycare if you have a criminal record.

Who can become a foster parent?

You can become a foster parent if you don't have a criminal record. You can not have an abusive environment for the child to come into.

Can an individual with a criminal record ever obtain a college degree in Criminal Justice and actually become employed in the field?

Yes, but not a felony.

What have criminals done to be criminals?

to be a criminal or to have a criminal record means you have broken the law in some way. The crimes are divided into a Felony and Misdemeanor. The criminal can become a convicted felon.

How long does a class A misdemeanor stay on a person's record in Arizona?

Unless the offense occurred prior to your 18th birthday, at which point your record will be sealed upon you become 18 - all criminal records become, and remain, a permanent part of your criminal history.

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How do you sponge criminal record

Can you become EMT with criminal record in NJ?

Unless the offense was minor in nature, it is doubtful. If a felony, no.