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LSD only stays in your system for about 24 hours. Even with the advanced testing methods they probably use on potential astronauts it wouldn't be detectable after about two weeks. Check out for more info on this.

Unless they ask you if you have taken it, and they know you are lying. But even then - I am not sure what the astronaut entry requirements are but "have you taken LSD before" may not be such an issue to them. Perhaps it is though, there isn't much point in sending someone up into space if they are already there. There are requirements for doctors certainly but if the review board or whatever doesn't know you did it then they won't punish you for it.

>>>>>To become an astronaut you typically need to be a member of the military. This is not always the case, but regardless of civilian or military you need to qualify for a full-scope top secret clearance. This involves a very intense interrogation (in which the average person WILL admit to illicit drug use if true) and a polygraph, to include questions about illicit drug use. Now a polygraph's reliability is certainly up for debate, however failing one will prevent you from obtaining a clearance. You fail the top secret process and you cannot become an astronaut. So bottom line-can you lie? If yes, you could still become an astronaut.

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Q: Can you become an astronaut if you've used LSD?
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What happens to LSD when exposed to light?

LSD may chemically break down and become inactive when exposed to light.

How does addiction occur with LSD?

you cannot become mentally or physically addicted to lsd < its a site for teenagers however, there is some helpful stuff on there. Edit to the above: you can't become physically addicted to LSD but you can become mentally addicted to anything that makes you feel a certain way.

Was LSD used as a prescription drug?

LSD was used in medical trials and is experience a resurgence in research. It was never prescribed to people (i.e you could never go to a pharmacy and pick up LSD).

What are the stages of LSD addiction?

There are no stages of addiction because LSD is not used in a way that could form addiction.

Are LSD used in medicine?

no but marajuana is used in strong painkillers

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How do you snap off from LSD?

It is literally something you do with extreme focus. When I drive on lsd, or when I speak to my parents, I become very lucid. It is as if my trip dissolved for a few moments.


A drug user who reports "hearing" colors and "seeing" sounds has most likely used an LSD.

What form of LSD is most commonly used?

The blotter form of LSD is most commonly used. This consists of a thin sheet of blotter paper soaked in LSD and dried. The blotter may be decorated with artwork, featuring subjects such as cartoons, religious figures, and fractals.