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Starving yourself could trigger a binge. After binging some people want to throw up. So, starving COULD be a ticket to Bulimia

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Q: Can you become bulimic from starving yourself?
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If you become infertile from starving yourself can you reverse it?

Not usually, no.

When you are starving yourself what do you eat when you get hungry?

They eat very little and things that do not have a high calorie content. What do they do? They get sick and tired very easily. They hide their disorder until it becomes unmanageable and noticable and then become hospitalized or worse, die.

How can you hide starving yourself?

Subtlety is key. The best way to prevent people from thinking you are starving yourself is to NOT STARVE YOURSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE.

If you've made yourself sick three times are you bulimic?

no your not, if you do it on purpose you are though

What is unhealthy slimming?

starving yourself

Should you become bulimic?

No, bulimia is a very dangerous and devastating eating disorder

What are the symptoms of bulimia?

being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight

If you make yourself throw up are you bulimic or do you have to get it as a disease?

Bulimia is the act of making yourself purge food that you have eaten. It cannot be caught as a disease.

Do bulimics eventually become underweight?

If a bulimic continues to purge, the bulimic will eventually become underweight. It's a simple measure of calories in, activity out. If someone vomits up their calories and doesn't take in replacement calories, it is very possible to become dangerously and unhealthily thin.

Are you bulimic?

About 1 in every 200 people is bulimic or has some bulimic tendencies.

Why isn't starving good?

Starving is not good for your body, it deprives yourself of the energy and nutrients you need to remain healthy and well.

How long after you started vomiting until youre considered bulimic?

You could technically be considered bulimic after the first time you force yourself to throw up to lose weight. (Having the flu, or are sick, or food poisoning, ect. doen't count!) Most people, however, would begin to label someone / themselves as bulimic nce throwing up, bingeing, purging, and all that goes along with it become routine or at least happen pretty frequently.