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Q: Can you boil resin out of a pipe and still smoke it?
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How much THC is there in resin you scrape out of a pipe?

I don't know exactly how much, but it is a totally decent amount. If you're out of weed, you can smoke resin and get just as stoned. It tastes absolutely disgusting, though.

What is eew pipe?

An EEW pipe is for cannabis resin.

What is rtr pipe?

Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Plastic (RTRP) Pipe.

Ways to somke weed when you dont have a pipe?

Tin foil pipe, make it into brownies/pastries, putting resin or hash on the end of a (METAL ONLY!!!) paper clip, lighting it, and sucking the smoke with a straw.

If you smoke tobacco out of a hookah that was previously used for marijuana will you test positive?

It depends on the amount of marijuana residue "resin" left in the pipe. Sometimes you can puff on an empty pipe that still has resin left in it and still get "stoned" as well as fail a drug test. Not a very good idea unless you do not have any drug tests coming your way within 30 days.

If you smoke from tobacco from a marijuana pipe can you fail a mouth swab?

I would assume so, yes. When you smoke from a pipe, residue from the marijuana or tobacco (or whatever you're smoking) builds up in the pipe, in the form of a thick black tar-like substance called "resin." That is the same stuff that is also building up in your lungs... Anyway. Marijuana smokers will often scrape this resin out of their pipes when it builds up, and smoke it, thus making their weed supply go farther and saving themselves some money. Often it is possible to just smoke the pipe "dry," as in, with nothing in it. Since the resin often builds up in the bowl of the pipe (the place where you put the marijuana or tobacco), you can often just light the pipe dry and get a few hits. So, if you put tobacco in a pipe that had weed in it, you will end up smoking a little bit of the resin from the weed, every time you light the pipe. So there is a pretty good chance you will fail a drug test afterwards.

How can you smoke your marijuana residue?

yes you can i think the best way is to scrape it onto a little bit of weed to keep the resin from going back down the pipe again

Can you make hash out of pipe resin?

Yes, you can. What some people do is just scrape the resin out and make a ball with it then just smoke that. But the way to make real hash is to get rubbing alcohol and wash the pipe with it. You may want to let the pipe sit in the rubbing alcohol for a while. After it soaks for a while you can just wipe the resin off with a paper towel. While the pipe was soaking the rubbing alcohol absorbed the THC, the chemical that gets you high, from the pipe. If you put the alcohol in a pan and heat it up on the stove you will make the alcohol evaporate. When the alcohol evaporates your left with a really sticky resin on the pan. This resin is hash. Scrape it up was a razor and cool it so that it turns for solid. I like to put my hash on my weed, it gets you really, REALLY high! :D

What is deifference between GRE pipe and RTR pipe?

RTR Pipe(Reinforced Thermosetting Resin pipe) is a kind of composite thermosetting plastic pipe,combing Resin with Fiberglass Roving.In fact,the RTR pipe have a more approperiate name as GRE(Glass Reinforced Epoxy) Pipe, since that uses Epoxy Resin instead of Polyester.GRE Pipe have much superior properties than common RTR Pipe, especially in properties of high pressure resistant.

What to do with pot resin?

If you're really hard up, you can scrape your pipe clean and make a ball of resin and then smoke it. It tastes like crap, but it gets you high. It melts and you may need to use a poker to clear the hole in your pipe so you can take a hit. Also, it is very sticky, stains clothes, and leaves a very noticeable smell on you if you get it on your hands or lips.

How do you smoke hookah?

A water pipe with a smoke chamber, a bowl, a pipe & a hose.

Can lemonlime juice be used to clean a pipe and keep all the resin?
