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Yes but you may not want to. That is called "in-breeding". mating too closely in the same family ultimately brings out bad traits geneticaly in most animals.( mothers w/ sons, fathers/ duaghters,brothers/ sisters) It is why it is frowned upon to marry any closer than a second cousin. Genetics tend to favor "bad" gene/traits over good ones. So two animals w/ closley related gene pools (for example) may have a trait for cleft pallet(deformation of the mouth). Even though niegther parent has a cleft pallet. Mating those two would tend to bear young w/ a cleft pallet. Where as if bread w/ another parent w/o the cleft pallet gene, the chances are a healthy young is born. It can lead to a whole host of bad things, including; nuerological / physical defects.

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Q: Can you breed a sow with her father?
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A female pig that has never had a litter is a GILT. A Female pig who has had a litter is a SOW. A male that has been castrated is called a BAR and a male pig who can breed is called a Boar ( or sometimes a Hog)

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A father or an adult male bear is called a boar just like a male pig. Female bears are called sows, and baby bears are known as cubs.

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Can a smaller male pig breed with a larger sow?

yes, but i would not recommend it, you want the boar, (if he is a first timer) to have the best experience possible because if he hurts or strains himself he might not want to ever breed again.

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the real answer will be: sow= snowwhat is a homonym for sow?the answer is snow

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A mother cow could also be referred to as the "dam."

Which is sow a homophone or homograph?

"Sow" is a homograph because it can have two different meanings and pronunciations: as a verb meaning to plant seeds, pronounced like "soh"; and as a noun referring to a female pig, pronounced like "sow."