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No, because it was burnt out and can turn to ash if you'll just leave it to burn continuously

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6mo ago

No, once charcoal is formed through the process of burning or heating organic material in the absence of air, it cannot be converted back into its original form. The high temperatures and chemical changes that occur during the formation of charcoal irreversibly alter the structure of the organic material.

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Q: Can you bring back the charcoal to its original form?
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What word means something cannot change back to its original form?

In a scientific experiment that be the the constant

How do you turn insta-snow back to its original form?

it will eventually turn back to its orignal size if you let it sit for a while, about a month.

The burning of charcoal is a spontaneous process yet heat must first be applied to start a charcoal why?

Burning charcoal is spontaneous, but not at room temperature. To start the combustion energy must be added (in the form of heat). Once the temperature of the charcoal reaches a certain temperature it reacts exothermically and releases heat. This heat of reaction is sufficient to locally heat more charcoal so that it burns continuously.

What form does activated charcoal come in?

Pre-mixed in water containted in plastic bottles or as a powder

Why does activated charcoal cause constipation?

The simple activated charcoal suspension will cause constipation for most patients and stools will be darkened due to the indigestibility of the charcoal itself. Using Activated Charcoal and Sorbitol Suspension The activated charcoal and sorbitol suspension is the most commonly used form of activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is known to cause constipation so sorbitol is generally used to counteract that side effect. Sorbitol is a sweetener known to cause diarrhea. Sorbitol is mixed with the activated charcoal to counteract the constipation that generally occurs with activated charcoal. While the sorbitol is meant to counteract the constipation likely to develop from the use of activated charcoal, some people may find themselves overly sensitive to this chemical and develop diarrhea. For those who are particularly sensitive to sorbitol, diarrhea may be a very uncomfortable side effect. Darkened stools should always be expected when using activated charcoal because all of the charcoal consumed is passed from the body along with the toxic substance it was meant to treat