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If the prescritpion is in the bottle it was given to you in at the Doctors or whatever, and has all the information of the prescrption on it, and it's greater than 3 ounces i am pretty sure it's aloud, hope it helps.

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Q: Can you bring prescription liquids greater than 3 ounces on a plane?
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Can you ship medicine to Mexico?

You can bring up to 3 liters (0.793 gallons or 101.44 ounces) of alcoholic beverages such as beer or liquor and 6 liters (1.586 gallons or 202.88 ounces) of wine without paying taxes. Greater quantities require you to pay 65% of the assessed value of the beverage.

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no it is not

How much alcohol can you bring into Mexico by air?

You can bring up to 3 liters (0.793 gallons or 101.44 ounces) of alcoholic beverages such as beer or liquor and 6 liters (1.586 gallons or 202.88 ounces) of wine duty-free. Greater quantities require you to pay 65% of the assessed value of the beverage.

Can you bring food on an airplane?

Yes, you can bring food on an airplane in your carry-on luggage. It's a good idea to pack non-liquid items like sandwiches, snacks, and fruit. Just be mindful of any customs restrictions on bringing fresh produce if you are traveling internationally.

What can you not take on airplane?

Items such as drugs, liquids more that a certain amount, weapons (knives, guns, ect.), fireworks, explosives, and flamable items are prohibited. You are allowed to bring prescription drugs with your carry on luggage, or on your person provided they are properly labeled.

What liquids can you bring on a plane?

If the drink has been purchased airside (after security) yes you can bring onboard. Otherwise no as you will not be able to bring through security. If you put the boxed drink into checked luggage, there will be no problem, so yes.

How much medicine can you bring on an airplane?

Anything covered by a prescription.

Can you bring drugs on trains?

if they a perscripted and you have your prescription with you then yes i think

Can you bring drugs on a cruise ship?

Sure prescription issue.

What are you allowed to take luggage wise?

don't bring liquids

How and does the drugstore might look for a DRs prescription?

It's generally not the job of the drugstore to "look for" a doctor's prescription, it's your job to bring it to them.

How much tobaccocan you bring in from Ireland?

6.8 ounces