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Yes just not liquids

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Q: Can you bring food on an airplane?
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Who authorise on airplane Cooked food of my choice?

You can ask the air hostess on the airplane to bring you food of your choice.

Can you bring books on an airplane?

Yes. You just can't bring food and drinks on the plane. Either one. I'm not an expert.

What kind of food can you bring on an airplane?

It depends on customs and sexurity for each country. Usually no fruit and vegetables. When i go i can bring chips and stuff like that on.

Can you bring VHS tapes on an airplane?

YES you can bring them

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How much food can you bring on a airplane?

i think 20kg ias the mazimum, but you can always stuff it in your gob and hope they dont notice:D

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no but you can bring your own

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Can you bring phones on an airplane?

Yes you can.