

Can you build DNA

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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From humans, no. But sometimes, don't you wish life was like "men in black"?

From fruits however, Yes it is called Genetic Modification

So it is actually possible to inject kiwi DNA into a strawberry plants main stem and create a new fruit!

Hope This Helps!

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No, DNA is a part of every living organism and without it, you couldn't exist.

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Yes, DNA can be synthesized.

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The name of the subunit used to build DNA and RNA is a nucleotide. Unlike DNA, RNA contains uracil. The nucleotide that is found in DNA is deoxyribose plus phosphate group plus cytosine.

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It is possible but the organism may not survive due to the changes in the build of the DNA.

Why are you not changed by eating DNA?

DNA is digested when eaten to individual nucleotides, which your body then uses to build more of its own DNA.

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Heat anneals DNA strand i.e. separate two strands of DNA to build anti-codon to desired DNA strand

Why does a nucleic acid subunit copy DNA?

the subunits copy DNA because they are used to build cells

How does the body use ATP and DNA?

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