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Q: Can you burn rose wood in fireplaces?
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When can you burn wood in a fireplace?

Whenever you like. Fireplaces are used for social fires as well as heating.

Can you burn wood in fireplaces I bought a gas burning wood set today and the saleman told me that in March 2009 it was going to be illegal to burn wood?

Never believe anything a salesman tells you.

What fireplaces are offered by the company Regency?

Regency manufactures a number different types of fireplaces. They make contemporary gas fireplaces and traditional gas fireplaces. They make indoor and outdoor fireplaces. They also make wood fireplaces, wood stoves, and pellet stoves.

Do corner fireplaces burn more evenly?

Corner fireplace burn just as evenly as regular fireplaces. There is not that much of a difference.

What kind of reviews are seen when comparing wood fireplaces to gas fireplaces?

Wood fireplaces tend to get higher reviews. They are a lot more effecient when it comes to actually providing heat.

Cotton wood for fireplaces good?


They sell baskets for burning wood pellets in fireplaces. Are they any good?

Wood pellets are intended to burn under a forced draft. They will not burn as well in a fireplace- why not use regular firewood? It is much less expensive than the wood pellets, and will burn as well in a fireplace. PS- a fireplace is a very poor choice for heating a home.

Is eucalyptus a good wood to burn in the fireplace?

Yes, eucalyptus burns hot and slow, so it's good for fireplaces and wood stoves. e. Eucalyptus is slow to catch, though, so it's not a good starter wood. But if you put it on a started fire, it'll burn for a long time.

What is a good slow burning wood for fireplaces?

Oak, ash, black locust, osage orange. Hickory is good but pops a lot. Poplar, cottonwood and any evergreen will burn VERY fast.

What are some of the types of fireplaces that Napoleon Fireplace offers?

Napoleon Fireplace offers gas fireplaces, electric fireplaces, gas inserts, wood fireplaces, and direct vent fireplaces, in a variety of shapes and styles. Like Napoleon, their prices are affordable enough to command the service of an entire nation.

Can a fireplace be called a woodstove?

In general, no. There are some wood stoves that are called fireplaces (free standing metal) but they are not fireplaces. A fireplace is permanently built into the structure.

Are log cabins warm?

yes, wood is an excellent insulation and they normally had fireplaces