

Can you buy bling string n stores?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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You can buy bling strings were ever they sell make up or hair products. But the best place to buy is on-line or at Ulta.

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Q: Can you buy bling string n stores?
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// Inventory Referencer // Demonstrates returning a reference #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; //returns a reference to a string string & refToElement(vector<string>& vec, int i); int main() { vector<string> inventory; inventory.push_back( "sword"); inventory.push_back( "armor"); inventory.push_back( "shield"); //displays string that the returned reference refers to cout << "Sending the returned reference to cout:\n"; cout << refToElement(inventory, 0) << "\n\n"; //assigns one reference to another - inexpensive assignment cout << "Assigning the returned reference to another reference.\n"; string& rStr = refToElement(inventory, 1); cout << "Sending the new reference to cout:\n"; cout << rStr << "\n\n"; //copies a string object - expensive assignment cout << "Assigning the returned reference to a string object.\n"; string str = refToElement(inventory, 2); cout << "Sending the new string object to cout:\n"; cout << str << "\n\n"; //altering the string object through a returned reference cout << "Altering an object through a returned reference.\n"; rStr = "Healing Potion"; cout << "Sending the altered object to cout:\n"; cout << inventory[1] << endl; return 0; } //returns a reference to a string string & refToElement(vector<string>& vec, int i) { return vec[i]; }

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Write a menu based program in functions to calculate string length string compare string reverse string substring string concatenation?

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<sstream> #include<vector> #include<conio.h> // required by getch() std::string input_string (std::string prompt) { while (true) { std::string input; std::cout << prompt; std::getline (std::cin, input); if (input.size()) return input; std::cout << "Invalid input. Empty strings are not permitted.\n"; } } size_t input_unsigned (std::string prompt) { while (true) { std::string input = input_string (prompt); std::stringstream ss; ss << input; size_t s; if (ss>>s && s) return s; std::cout << "Invalid input. Values must be non-zero.\n"; } } void string_length() { std::string str = input_string ("Enter the string you wish to know the length of:\n"); std::cout << "The string is " << str.size() << " characters long.\n" << std::endl; } void string_compare() { std::pair<std::string, std::string> strings; strings.first = input_string ("Enter the first string you wish to compare:\n"); strings.second = input_string ("Enter the second string you wish to compare:\n"); int compare = (strings.second); std::cout << "The result of the camprison is: " << compare << '\n' << std::endl; } void string_reverse() { std::string str = input_string ("Enter the string you wish to reverse:\n"); for (size_t f=0, r=str.size()-1; f<r; ++f, --r) { char t = str[f]; str[f] = str[r]; str[r] = t; } std::cout << "The reversed string is:\n" << str << '\n' << std::endl; } void string_substring() { std::string str = input_string ("Enter a string:\n"); size_t pos = input_unsigned ("Enter the offset of the substring:\n"); size_t len = input_unsigned ("Enter the length of the substring:\n"); std::cout << "The substring is: " << str.substr(pos,len) << '\n' << std::endl; } void string_concatenation() { std::pair<std::string, std::string> strings; strings.first = input_string ("Enter the first string you wish to concatenate:\n"); strings.second = input_string ("Enter the second string you wish to concatenate:\n"); std::string concat = strings.first + strings.second; std::cout << "The result of the concatenation is: " << concat << '\n' << std::endl; } int main() { while (true) { std::cout << "MAIN MENU\n"; std::cout << "=========\n" << std::endl; std::cout << "1 - String length\n"; std::cout << "2 - String compare\n"; std::cout << "3 - String reverse\n"; std::cout << "4 - String substring\n"; std::cout << "5 - String concatenation\n"; std::cout << "X - Exit program\n"; #pragma warning(disable : 4996) switch ((char) getch()) { case ('1'): string_length(); break; case ('2'): string_compare(); break; case ('3'): string_reverse(); break; case ('4'): string_substring(); break; case ('5'): string_concatenation(); break; case ('x'): case ('X'): return 0; } } }

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// Inventory Pointer // Demonstrates returning a pointer #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; //returns a pointer to a string element string * ptrToElement(vector<string>* const pVec, int i); int main() { vector<string> inventory; inventory.push_back( "sword"); inventory.push_back( "armor"); inventory.push_back( "shield"); //displays string object that the returned pointer points to cout << "Sending the objected pointed to by returned pointer:\n"; cout << *(ptrToElement(&inventory, 0)) << "\n\n"; //assigns one pointer to another - inexpensive assignment cout << "Assigning the returned pointer to another pointer.\n"; string* pStr = ptrToElement(&inventory, 1); cout << "Sending the object pointed to by new pointer to cout:\n"; cout << *pStr << "\n\n"; //copies a string object - expensive assignment cout << "Assigning object pointed by pointer to a string object.\n"; string str = *(ptrToElement(&inventory, 2)); cout << "Sending the new string object to cout:\n"; cout << str << "\n\n"; //altering the string object through a returned pointer cout << "Altering an object through a returned pointer.\n"; *pStr = "Healing Potion"; cout << "Sending the altered object to cout:\n"; cout << inventory[1] << endl; return 0; } string * ptrToElement(vector<string>* const pVec, int i) { //returns address of the string in position i of vector that pVec points to return &((*pVec)[i]); }

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Let's say your string is a variable called "string" To print out all the characters in order, you would do: for i in string: print(string[i]) If you wanted to print out characters up to a point (n = maximum characters): for i in range(n): print(string[i]) hope this helps!

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If you give your iTouch to Apple, they will give you 20% off anything n the store. You can also do the bestbuy trade in