

Can you catch the swine flu by being sexual with someone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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If they have the Swine Flu at the time, Yes.

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Q: Can you catch the swine flu by being sexual with someone?
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In Britain the Swine Flu motto is: CATCH IT BIN IT KILL IT

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When someone is callinq you a swine their basically calling you a pig.

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Lupus is not contagious. You cannot catch it from swine, people, or any other living thing.

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If you catch swine flu once, if you catch it again then it won't be as serious.

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Catch it Bin it Kill it

Synonym for pig?

Hog or Swine. (hog being a male pig, swine being female)

Can smoking attract Swine Flu?

Smoking can attract swine flu only if you are sharing a cigarette with someone who has swine flu.