

Can you change insurance policy as needed?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, a insurance policy can not be changed.....rather it may be alter by assignment ( transfer of the ownership)...

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The Insured can change the beneficiary on a life insurance contract.

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The insurance policy and a certified, original copy of the death certificate. If the policy has been lost or misplaced, the insurance carrier can provide the appropriate "lost policy" form.

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If you change vehicles on your policy it will create a difference in insurance premium. You will receive a bill or a refund for the difference in the premium. There is no policy fee just the premium change.

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Change of ownership is not allowed in life insurance policy. Once the policy holder dies, accrued sum is payable to the nominee and the matter ends there. In that case, you are to take policy afresh.

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