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Q: Can you charge an office visit when using CPT code 10040 unroofing multiple cystic lesions.?
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Related questions

What is cystic encephalomalacia?

Cystic encephalomalacia is a serious medical condition that denotes the presence of cystic lesions inside the brain. It may be caused by infection, inflammation or hemorrhaging of the brain.

What is suprarenal complex cystic mass of the liver?

The question could have been better framed. Any cystic mass lesion in the liver presenting in the region of the right suprarenal gland can be designated as this lesion. They could be simple cysts, abscess, hydatid cysts, lymphatic cysts, biliomas, haemangiomas, tumour degenerations besides many other lesions. Even complex cystic lesions of the Gall Bladder may be mistaken for this entity.

What are Multiple small cystic regions within the posteior lower uterine segment?

nabothian cysts

Is cystic fibrosis a genetic disorder?

Polygenic means influenced by multiple genes. Cystic fibrosis is a single gene disorder, in which a mutation occurs in one gene that specifies cystic fibrosis, in this case CFTR gene. There are thousands of possible mutations in this gene but the most common mutation is the deletion of one codon.

What should i expect with an infant with cystic-Encephalomalacia?

Cystic Encephalomalacia is when infants have lesions or softening inside their brain due to asphyxia and/or hypertension, which can alter normal body functions and health. You may notice extreme drowsiness, lack of movement, temporary or permanent blindness, or terminal coma in an infant with this condition. There is no direct treatment, and lifespan varies person to person.

What is a cystic foci in a kidney?

A cystic foci, or cystic focus, is when an ultrasound identifies a finding that is cystic-like. It mean there's a tiny collection of fluid wherever the cystic focus was found.

What is a Cystic mass on the brain?

cystic mass

How do you start a topic sentence if its about Cystic fibrosis?

What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is a life threatening disease.

What is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United states?

cystic fibrosis (:cystic fibrosis :)cystic fibrosis ^-^

Do girls have cystic fibrosis?

Yes, girls can get cystic fibrosis.

An individual heterozygous for cystic fibrosis?

Is a carrier of cystic fibrosis

Is cystic fibrosis caused by a virus?

No. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease.