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Possibly, if the alleged perjurer withheld that evidence from you.

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Q: Can you charge someone with perjury two years later if you have proof?
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If a verdict has been reached and a witness committed perjury and this fact was discovered after the case was finished can the witness be charged and taken to court for perjury?

Perjury is a criminal offense, so only the DA can prosecute someone for perjury. If you have proof of perjury file a complaint with the DA in the county in which the crime of perjury occurred.

How long do you have to fill criminal charges against a states attorney for committing perjury?

As a private individual you cannot 'file' criminal charges against anyone. You can attempt to bring the facts to the attention of the prosecutor's superiors - if you can present enough proof, perhaps they will institute a charge of perjury. HOWEVER you can file a civil suit against the prosecutor for false or malicious prosecution.

How do you file charges against police officer if you have documented proof they committed perjury?

Contact your local prosecuting attorney.

How do you prove perjury in West Virginia?

The same as you do anywhere else. You must present evidence or proof that refutes the perjured item, or testimony. If the perjury affected the outcome of a judicial action, you will have to file a motion to re-open the case based on new evidence.

What do you do if a police officer gives a false statement in a jury trial?

Inform your attorney, who can refer the matter to the Prosecution's attention. If it can be proven, then a charge of Perjury may be brought against the officer. Without proof of a deliberate lie, it is simply up to your side to refute the officer's statement with other testimony.

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You need evidence to prove any charge.

Getting caught altering a paternity test?

If the altered document is presented in court as proof of paternity or non-paternity, the witness could go to jail for perjury.

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If someone found proof of dragons existing then there is a clear answer. They exist lol

Can the prosecuting attorney in Arkansas be charged for protecting police who committ perjury?

No individual, regardless of who they are or what office they hold, is immune from prosecttion under the law. The only thing you need is proof.

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No, it is Jesus's birthday. [Although there is no proof, years later there will be no proof that your birthday was when it is......]

If a mother lies to the court and says father never consulted a child psychologist and there is proof he did what can happen?

If under oath, it's perjury. To learn your rights, check Dads House below.

Why can domestic violence claims be made without a shred of proof?

The individuals who make these claoms must do so under oath and the penalty of perjury - and - many time there IS physical evidence of assault.