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Yes, if you trim them off your toe first.

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Q: Can you chew your toenails
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Why do dogs chew their toenails?

Why does anybody chew their nails? Maybe he/ she is nervous.

Can eating toenails make you sick?

Asuming that they are reasonably clean and you chew them properly then no, they Will probably increase the amount of calcium available to the body.

Why does your dog chew on himself?

Usually because its itching itself. If it cant reach the itchy spot with its toenails, it nibbles on the itch. Hope that helps!

Do long toenails help you balance?

Toenails help you balnce.

Do toenails need to breath?

No. Toenails, like hair, are dead tissue.

Do flamingos have toenails?

All birds have claws - the equivalent of toenails

How can you prevent ingrown toenails?

get your parents to cut your toenails for you, if you are bad at cutting them.

Why do people eat their toenails?

People eat their toenails because they insecure about themselves!

Do toenails sink or float?

Toenails float because of low amount of density

Why are your dogs toenails black?

My dog's toenails are not black. They are white. Not all dogs have black toenails. Not sure what made you think that are mistaken.

Does an alpaca chew the cud and have a clovenhoof?

I'm not sure if alpacas chew their cud or if their stomachs are sufficient to handle the roughage without additional mechanical breakdown. However, they do not have cloven hooves - they actually don't have hooves at all. Instead, they have a foot with tough pads on it (similar to a dog's paw) and two very long and often sharp toenails on each.

What livestock chew the cud?

Cattle (including cows, bulls, heifers, steers and oxen), sheep, goats, deer, elk, and bison.