

Can you color over highlights

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Guess so. Why don't you ask your hair-dress?

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Q: Can you color over highlights
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What is best way to color over highlights?

The best way to color over highlights is to bleach the hair and start over. This should not be done often.

Does hair color remover take out highlights?

No, highlights are bleach which is different than color. Color coats the hair, while bleach removes pigmentation from the hair, to take out highlights you have to either color over them, or wait for them to grow out.

Can you put permanent hair color over bleached highlights?

Yes, but depending on the color you choose the highlights will always be lighter than the rest.

Is it better for your hair to get highlights or a all over color?

It is best to chose highlights that resemble your natural color because highlights bring out your natural color without drastically changing your hair color. Your hair will appreciate if you dye your hair less, but a few highlights may be just the ticket.

If you already have highlights and you want to change the color of them can you highlight over the highlights?

yes my favorite color is purple and their is no purple high lighter so mix blue and red

Can you put highlights over permanent hair color?

yes you can will it kill your hair yes but you can

What color highlights does Selena Gomez have?

She has caramel coloured highlights.

If your getting highlights and your hair color is brown what color is best?

well since your hair color is brown,get blond or light brown highlights

What color highlights should you color your hair?

It depends on your hair color. This is just my opinion, if you have black hair or red hair, I don't know what color. If you have brown hair you should get blond highlights and if you have blond hair you should get brown highlights.

Can you color hair again after highlights?

Yes, but it is recommended that you die all your hair the same color first (i.e., bleach everything to get rid of the highlights). Otherwise your hair will still have a lighter color where the highlights used to be.

What color was Paul Revere's hair?

his hair was brown with light highlights (they were natural highlights)

What color highlights should you get if you are a blonde?
