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Coal forms from the compaction and heating of plant material over millions of years, primarily in swampy areas. Oil is formed from the decomposition of marine organisms, like plankton, under high pressure and temperature deep within the Earth's crust. Both processes involve organic matter transforming into energy-rich substances, but coal originates from land plants while oil primarily comes from marine life.

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Q: Can you compare and contrast the formation of coal and the formation of oil?
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Give 2 similarities and 2 differences between the way coal and oil was formed?

Similarities: Both coal and oil are fossil fuels formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. Both coal and oil formation process involves the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years under high pressure and temperature. Differences: Coal is primarily formed from ancient plant matter, while oil is formed from the remains of marine organisms. The formation of coal requires anaerobic conditions (low oxygen) and occurs on land, while oil formation occurs in marine environments under specific conditions such as lack of oxygen.

What does crude oil and coal formation have in common?

Crude oil and coal both originate from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. They undergo a process where the organic matter decomposes and gets compressed over time. Additionally, both crude oil and coal are fossil fuels that are extracted from the Earth for energy production.

Where does coal and oil carbon come from?

Coal and oil are made up of carbon that was once in living organisms, primarily plants. Over millions of years, these plants were buried and subjected to heat and pressure, leading to the formation of coal and oil deposits. The carbon in these fossil fuels represents stored organic matter from ancient life forms.

How is the formation of coal similar to the formation of oil and gas?

Coal, oil, and gas all form from the remains of plants and animals that were buried and subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years. The main difference lies in the composition of the original organic matter, with coal forming from primarily plant material, and oil and gas forming from a mix of plant and animal remains. Additionally, coal is formed in terrestrial environments, while oil and gas are typically formed in marine environments.

How do you find the difference between oil and coal?

Oil is a liquid fossil fuel derived from the remains of plants and animals, while coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from plant matter over millions of years. They differ in their states of matter, formation process, and chemical composition. Oil is typically more versatile in its applications and easier to transport compared to coal.

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Compare and contrast the formation of coal and oil and natural gas?

Coal forms from the decomposition of plant material under high pressure and heat over millions of years. Oil and natural gas form from the remains of tiny marine organisms that are buried and subjected to high pressure and heat. While coal is primarily composed of carbon, oil and natural gas are made up of hydrocarbons.

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They Compare by the lumber,Oil,and Coal found in bot of the places

Give 2 similarities and 2 differences between the way coal and oil was formed?

Similarities: Both coal and oil are fossil fuels formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. Both coal and oil formation process involves the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years under high pressure and temperature. Differences: Coal is primarily formed from ancient plant matter, while oil is formed from the remains of marine organisms. The formation of coal requires anaerobic conditions (low oxygen) and occurs on land, while oil formation occurs in marine environments under specific conditions such as lack of oxygen.

A leading theory for the formation of fossil fuels?

The leading theory for the formation of fossil fuels is that they were formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals buried deep underground over millions of years. The heat and pressure from the Earth's crust caused these organic materials to decompose and transform into coal, oil, and natural gas.

What is the main point of similarity in the formation of oil and coal?

"With every chicken there comes blood." Andrew Harpischord. You must die...

Does pressure have to do anything with fossil fuels?

Yes, pressure is a factor in the formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

Is time factor of a fossil fuel?

Yes, time is a factor in the formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

What does crude oil and coal formation have in common?

Crude oil and coal both originate from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. They undergo a process where the organic matter decomposes and gets compressed over time. Additionally, both crude oil and coal are fossil fuels that are extracted from the Earth for energy production.

How do you get oil on doodle god?

Use water and coal. :D

Which fossil fuel begins its formation as peat?

Peat and lignite (brown coal) are both beginning stages in the production of coal by natural processes. But coals are not all produced from peat.

Where do you get coal and oil?

coal and oil come from many different places. Like coal from mines. oil from the ground.

Is carbon dioxide released by fossil fuel formation?

No, formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide.