

Coal (fuel source)

Coal has been the primary fossil fuel since Native American times. Once coal companies started in the United States in the early to mid 1800s, men from England (Great Britain now United Kingdom), Scotland, and other European countries were recruited to come to the US. Local coal miners, especially in the bituminous coal field (Pittsburgh PA Coal Field which extended through SW PA, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky) viewed these immigrants as "foreigners" and demanded companies only hire "practical" (experienced) miners; however, this idea formed solely because of language barriers and other biases, since overseas miners were very experienced in their home countries. Coal, as a fossil fuel, has been continuously mined in the US from the mid-1800s to the present.

500 Questions

When did the coal miners in Chile get trapped?

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The Chilean coal miners were trapped underground in the San José mine on August 5, 2010, following a cave-in. They were eventually rescued in a dramatic operation that concluded on October 13, 2010.

When did coal beds form?

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Coal beds formed during the Carboniferous Period, approximately 300 to 360 million years ago. This period was characterized by extensive forests being buried and compressed over time, eventually transforming into coal deposits.

Is anthracite coal a sedimentary rock?

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Yes, anthracite coal is a type of coal that is considered a metamorphic rock, not a sedimentary rock. It forms from the metamorphism of bituminous coal at high pressures and temperatures.

During what time period were most coal deposits laid down?

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Most coal deposits were laid down during the Carboniferous period, approximately 360 to 300 million years ago. This period is sometimes referred to as the "Age of Coal" due to the extensive coal-forming swamps and forests that existed during this time.

What are the protoliths of Schist and Anthracite coal?

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The protolith of schist is typically shale or slate, which undergoes metamorphism to form schist. The protolith of anthracite coal is primarily bituminous coal, which is subjected to higher temperature and pressure conditions during metamorphism to convert into anthracite coal.

How was Anthracite Coal discovered?

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Anthracite coal was discovered through surface outcroppings and natural erosion exposing the coal seams. Native Americans used anthracite for fuel before European settlers arrived in North America. In the early 19th century, it became an important source of fuel for heating and industry.

Where did people find coal in China?

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People found coal in China in various regions, including Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, and Henan provinces. These areas have long histories of coal mining due to the presence of rich coal deposits.

Who was the first person to find coal?

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Coal has been used by humans for thousands of years, so it is difficult to pinpoint the first person who discovered it. However, evidence suggests that coal was first used as a source of fuel in ancient China, Greece, and Rome.

When did coal mining begin?

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Coal mining has been around for centuries, dating back to at least the 13th century in Europe. However, large-scale industrial coal mining began during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.

What did the trappers putters and hewers do in coal mines?

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Trappers were responsible for opening and closing ventilation doors to direct airflow, while putters moved coal carts to the surface using ponies or mechanical haulage. Hewers were miners who manually extracted coal from the seam using picks and shovels.

When did coal mining start?

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Coal mining dates back to ancient times, with evidence of coal being used as a source of heat and energy by civilizations as far back as the Roman Empire. Large-scale coal mining began in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution, when the demand for coal as a fuel source for steam engines and industrial processes grew exponentially.

Where is anthracite coal?

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Anthracite coal is primarily found in the United States, with large deposits located in states such as Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. It is a type of coal that is known for its high carbon content and low impurities.

When was coal discovered?

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Coal has been used by humans for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations. The exact date of when coal was first discovered is not known, but the earliest recorded use of coal as a fuel source was in China around 4,000 years ago.

What is the layer of coal between rocks called?

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The layer of coal between rocks is called a coal seam or coal bed. This layer forms over millions of years from compressed plant material.

How old do you have to be to coal mine?

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Typically, the minimum age to work in a coal mine is 18 years old. This is to ensure that workers are mature enough to handle the physical demands and potential risks associated with coal mining. Additionally, there are specific safety regulations and training requirements in place to protect the well-being of miners.

Is clean coal a political issue?

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Yes, clean coal is a political issue. It involves debates over the feasibility and economic impact of carbon capture and storage technologies, as well as government policies and regulations regarding coal-fired power plants and their environmental impact. Policymakers often have differing views on the role of clean coal in addressing climate change and energy security.

Is there many inmate assaults at Coal Township State Prison?

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I don't have real-time data regarding the number of inmate assaults at Coal Township State Prison. However, like any correctional facility, incidents of inmate assaults can occur, and the prison likely has protocols in place to address and prevent such incidents. For the most current information, you may want to look at reports from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

What is anthracite coal used for?

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Anthracite coal is primarily used for heating homes and businesses, as it burns cleanly and efficiently. It is also used in some industrial applications, such as in the manufacturing of steel and in certain water filtration systems.

What does coal make?

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Coal is a mixture of carbonaceous compounds.

It can be baked in Coke Ovens.

The products of baking are

Coke (Impure form of Carbon) ( Iron oxide reduction.

Carbon dioxide

Ammonia (fertilisers)

Methane (combustion)

Hydrogen Sulphide (industriual use)

Sulphur dioxide ( sulphuric acid manufacture)

Coal is a hard black shiny rock . However it can be mined in different forms of purity, from peat, to lignite, to coal, to anthracite.

How you get coal out the ground?

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You can use the heavy machinery such as rigs to get the coal out of the ground

What figure of speech is black as coal?

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"Black as coal" is a simile.

What hours did children work in the coal mines?

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Children in coal mines worked long hours, often up to 12 hours per day, six days a week. They were typically required to start work before sunrise and finish after sunset, enduring harsh and dangerous conditions underground.

Is wood coal paper renewable resource?

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Wood is a renewable resource because trees can be replanted. Coal is not renewable as it is formed over millions of years from decomposed plant material. Paper, if made from responsibly managed forests, can be considered renewable due to the ability to replant trees for future paper production.

How much did children get paid in coal mines in the victorian era?

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Children working in coal mines in the Victorian era were paid very low wages, often just a few shillings per week. Their wages were significantly lower than those of adult miners due to their age and inexperience, and they were often subject to harsh working conditions and long hours.

Where did the tradition giving naughty children coal come from?

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The tradition of giving naughty children coal is believed to have originated from European folklore, where St. Nicholas would reward well-behaved children with gifts, while misbehaving children received a lump of coal as a reminder to change their ways. This tradition has been incorporated into the modern-day Santa Claus folklore as well.