

Coal (fuel source)

Coal has been the primary fossil fuel since Native American times. Once coal companies started in the United States in the early to mid 1800s, men from England (Great Britain now United Kingdom), Scotland, and other European countries were recruited to come to the US. Local coal miners, especially in the bituminous coal field (Pittsburgh PA Coal Field which extended through SW PA, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky) viewed these immigrants as "foreigners" and demanded companies only hire "practical" (experienced) miners; however, this idea formed solely because of language barriers and other biases, since overseas miners were very experienced in their home countries. Coal, as a fossil fuel, has been continuously mined in the US from the mid-1800s to the present.

3,543 Questions

Name 10 things made out of coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Coke (Impure Carbon)

  2. Ammonia

  3. Sulphur dioxide

  4. Hydrogen Sulphide

  5. Methane

The above five items come from baking coal in 'Coke Ovens'.


Ammonia we can make (6)Ammonium nitrate (fertiliser.

Sulphur Dioxide we can make (7)sulphuric /(8)sulphurous acids

Methane we can make (9) polymers an other organic products

Also combust methane ( 10) heat./ energy.

What is the name of coal dust?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a coal mine

coal dust , mixed with oxygen and methane is known as 'fire damp'.

Any flame or electric arc will ignite a flash explosion.

Miners often breed canaries (finch type birds), and occasionally take then down the mine. This is because the bird is very susceptible to poisonous gases and fire damp. It is likely to fall off its perch if poisonous gases are present, whereupon the bird is quickly removed to cleaner air , where it recovers.

Coal dust , coal particles are best kept under control by the use of a fine spray / mist. of water.

Why do spacecraft use solar cells to generate electricity rather than burning coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spacecraft use solar cells to generate electricity because coal combustion requires oxygen, which is limited in space. Solar cells can convert sunlight directly into electricity without the need for oxygen, making them a more practical and reliable choice for spacecraft power generation.

How is the sun the original source of energy for both coal and wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun is the original source of energy for coal because coal is formed from ancient plants and organic matter that captured sunlight through photosynthesis. Wind energy is generated by the sun's uneven heating of the Earth's surface, creating temperature differences that drive air movement and generate wind. Thus, the sun is indirectly responsible for providing the energy that is stored in coal and creating the wind that can be harnessed for wind energy.

Does Mars have coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is currently no evidence to suggest that Mars has coal deposits. Mars is believed to lack the conditions necessary for the formation of coal, as coal typically forms from the remains of plant material over millions of years in specific environmental conditions that are not present on Mars.

What is the difference between coal and oil and natural gas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from decayed plants, while oil is a liquid fossil fuel made from decayed marine organisms, and natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel formed in a similar way to oil but with different components. Each fuel has different energy densities, environmental impacts, and uses.

Does Mars have coal on it?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no evidence to suggest that Mars has coal deposits. Mars is known for its iron-rich soil and rocky terrain, but no significant coal reserves have been found on the planet.

How coal could be found so near to the south pole?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal deposits near the South Pole formed when the continent of Antarctica was located much further north and had a temperate climate, allowing for the growth of lush forests and plants. Over time, these plant materials were buried and compressed, forming coal deposits that are now exposed near the South Pole due to plate tectonics and continental drift.

Is coal a form of Solar energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, coal is not a form of solar energy. Coal is a fossil fuel that formed from the remains of plants and organisms that lived millions of years ago. Solar energy comes directly from the sun and is a renewable, sustainable source of power.

How is coal fuel connected to the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is connected to the sun through the process of photosynthesis. Millions of years ago, plants absorbed energy from the sun and stored it in their tissues. Over time, these plants decomposed and transformed into coal, which we now use as a fuel source to release the stored solar energy through combustion.

In what state can you see the burning coal beds?

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Asked by Wiki User

The burning coal beds can be seen in the state of Colorado, specifically in the town of Crested Butte. The fires have been burning underground for over a hundred years and can sometimes be visible through fissures in the ground.

Why do dogs eat coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dogs may try to eat coal due to a condition called pica, where animals consume non-food items. This behavior can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, boredom, or stress. Eating coal can be dangerous for dogs as it can lead to digestive issues or blockages. It is important to address the underlying cause and prevent access to coal to keep your dog safe.

How does the fossil fuel coal contain energy from the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is formed from the remains of ancient plants that grew through photosynthesis, a process that allowed plants to capture solar energy and convert it into chemical energy stored in their tissues. Over millions of years, these plant remains were buried and transformed into coal through heat and pressure, so the energy stored in the plants from the sun is ultimately converted into the energy we use when we burn coal.

Why is coal called buried sunshine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is often referred to as "buried sunshine" because it is formed from the remains of plants and organic materials that captured the energy of the sun through photosynthesis millions of years ago. This process transformed these organic materials into coal through heat and pressure over time, effectively capturing the energy of the sun in a concentrated form.

How is coal connected to the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal formed millions of years ago from the remains of plants that grew using energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Over time, these plants were buried and compressed, eventually turning into coal. So, in a way, coal is indirectly connected to the sun through the process of photosynthesis that powered the growth of the plants.

Explain how coal is a store of solar energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is a store of solar energy because it is formed from the remains of plants and trees that absorbed sunlight through photosynthesis millions of years ago. Over time, the organic matter was buried and subjected to heat and pressure, transforming it into coal. As a result, coal contains the stored energy from the sun that was captured by plants during their growth.

Who is eyes were made of coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The figure with eyes made of coal is commonly associated with mythological or folkloric characters, such as monsters or creatures from various cultures. The concept of coal for eyes is often used to portray a dark or sinister appearance.

How did energy from the Sun become stored in coal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The energy from the Sun is stored in coal through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic matter. Over millions of years, this organic matter gets compressed and buried underground, eventually forming coal deposits.

How is the sun's energy stored in coal and other fossil fuels?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun's energy is stored in coal and other fossil fuels through the process of photosynthesis. Millions of years ago, plants absorbed sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic matter, which eventually turned into fossil fuels due to pressure and heat over time. In this way, the energy from the sun is stored in the chemical bonds of these fuels.

Is coal and natural gas the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, coal and natural gas are not the same. Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from plant matter, while natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel produced from organic material. They have different compositions, applications, and environmental impacts.

Where did the carbon in coal oil and natural gas come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The carbon in coal, oil, and natural gas originally came from marine plants and organisms that lived millions of years ago. Over time, these organic materials were buried and subjected to high pressures and temperatures, leading to their transformation into fossil fuels.

Why coal is a hydrocarbon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal is considered a hydrocarbon because it is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. When coal is burned, it undergoes combustion with oxygen, releasing energy in the form of heat and producing carbon dioxide and water vapor as byproducts. This combustion process is characteristic of hydrocarbons.

Which of the following strategies can help Earth's coal supply last longer?

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Asked by Jenico Mera Jacklick

Implementing carbon capture and storage technology to reduce emissions, increasing energy efficiency in coal-fired power plants, and promoting renewable energy sources as alternative to coal can help extend Earth's coal supply. Additionally, investing in research and development to find cleaner and more sustainable ways to use coal can also contribute to making the supply last longer.

What is it called when coal is still in the ground?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coal that is still in the ground is referred to as coal seam or coal deposit.

What era did most of our limestone and coal formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most of our limestone formed during the Paleozoic era, approximately 500 to 250 million years ago. Coal formation occurred mainly during the Carboniferous period within the Paleozoic era, around 360 to 300 million years ago.