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Q: Can you confirm my existence
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What evidence could confirm the existence of mantle plumes?

Because for the last 30 years scientistshave confirmed the existence of mantle plumes.Visual evidence.

What evidence would confirm the existence of mantle plumes?

maybe hot outer core gas??

Do llamas fall in love?

We cannot confirm or deny the existence of "love" in animals as we know it. Sorry.

Are Ivory woodpeckers being hunted?

There are searches to confirm the existence of the species, but no hunting is allowed of this critically endangered species.

Does Neptune how 9 rings?

There are five confirmed ones, but there are more that are fainter than the threshold needed to confirm a ring's existence.

Is Atlantis in the Arctic?

It is not known wher Atlantis may lie. There are many hypotheses, but none confirm the location or even the actual existence of Atlantis.

How is the existence of the neutrino confirmed?

Actually, we can't even confirm the existence of atoms, let alone subatomic particles. But when scientists conduct experiments, they come to the conclusion that the particles are indeed valid. The more discrete physics becomes, the more theoretical it is.

Was Moses's a real person?

There is limited historical evidence outside of religious texts to confirm the existence of Moses as a real person. Many scholars debate his historical existence, with some viewing him as a legendary figure rather than a concrete historical figure.

What examination confirms the existence of an aneurysm?

Otherwise, when chest, abdominal, or back pain is severe, aortic aneurysm is suspected and x-ray (radiographic) studies can confirm or rule out that condition.

What national park is haunted?

There are many national parks with historic buildings, as well as places that are of spiritual significance to American Indians. The NPS does not confirm nor deny the existence of ghosts in any of its facilities.

Why do people call sea serpents chessie?

"Chessie" is a sea serpent located in the Chesapeake bay region. It is similar to Nessie in that there is "evidence" of it but it is not good enough to confirm its existence scientifically, as well as serval who claim to have seen it.