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Black is not a color, it contains no colors.

White is a color, it contains all the colors.

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Q: Can you consider black and white as color?
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Is white color cold?

white and black are absence of color, but id consider black to be warm and white to be cool.

Why black and white consider as a color?

They don't they're shades.

What is a color between white and black?

Well that depends to some extend on how you think about it. All colors are between black and white. If you consider gray a color there are many shades of gray between black and white.

Does the Xbox come in red or only black and white?

The Xbox only comes in black and white, unfortunately. If you want to change the color consider getting a colored faceplate.

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Why is black not a color and white is a color?

Black is the absence of all color. White is the presence of all color. Therefore, black has no actual color.

Can black be a color?

Black is actually the absense of color. We as humans do consider it a color though.

Which comes first in terms of a color palette white black or black white?

On a color palette, it would be white then black. White is the absence of color. Black is a mix of all colors.

Is white every color or is black?

White is every color, whereas black is the absence of color.

What is the color of color?

white.Edit: No, it's not white. If you think scientifically white is every color. If you consider this then wouldn't it be black?Edit: No, it's not black either; in physics the only color that has no color is a transparent one--because then light does not get reflected off it (it passes right through it), and so, no colors are actually visible.

What is the color of no color?

white.Edit: No, it's not white. If you think scientifically white is every color. If you consider this then wouldn't it be black?Edit: No, it's not black either; in physics the only color that has no color is a transparent one--because then light does not get reflected off it (it passes right through it), and so, no colors are actually visible.

How is white no color?

White is a combination of all the visible colors. Black is the absence of color, so black is not a color.