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You can take acyclovir after chickenpox appears. Ask your health care provider if you are not sure about the instructions for your prescription.

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Q: Can you continue to take acyclovir if still have blisters from shingles?
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Related questions

If you are vaccinated against chickenpox can you still get shingles?

No, there is no reason to get chickenpox vaccine if you've had shingles. You should talk with your health care provider about shingles vaccine.

Do pitchers still use super glue to cover blisters?

Sometimes, but new items are on the market to cover blisters. :D

Can you have shingles and not break out?

You can only get shingles if you had chickenpox in the past. The virus stays in your body for life, and can be reactivated in the future to cause shingles. You don't need a second exposure to chickenpox in order to get shingles.

When can you swim after having the shingles vaccine?

I would refrain from letting a a child get into too many public activities- a child with chickenpox should stay home until the pox have scabbed over, and sincerly I do not think that letting him swim with other children is a good idea.

What can i do i still have shingles after 2 months?

had shingles on my back cloes to sholder blade 2 months ago.. now haveing preasure there.. is that normal

How long are shingles contagious after taking medication?

Shingles is only contagious before the blisters and sores dry. Once they're scabbed over, the virus is not contagious. Remember that shingles can only be spread by direct contact with the lesions. You can't get shingles from someone unless you touch their wet lesions. You won't get it from riding a bus with them, eating with them, or being in the same room with them. Patients with shingles can continue normal activities, including school and work, as long as the lesions are covered.Children do not get attack of shingles before they get chicken pox. You get attack of shingles only after you have had chicken pox.

Can you get shingles or chickenpox from your daughter?

If you have already had exposure to chicken pox you will not get chickenpox again. However, you can still get shingles from exposure because it is a reaction of the previous infection.

Can you have shingles between your legs and groin area?

About a week ago I awoke with a severe bruised feeling on the left side of my groin and noticed the beginings of a rash. In the next couple days the rash worsened so I went to the doctor. He informed me that it was shingles and that the rash followed along a nerve that wraps from the groin to the lower abdomen. From what Ive read online, not much has mentioned this as a common area for shingles. Still the doctor seemed sure that this is what it was.

Should you take all shingles off before roofing?

The condition of the shingles and wood underneath help to determine this. If the wood is good and shingles are mostly still there, some cities allow two or three roofs on top of each other before all of the shingles must be removed.

Can you still exercise even though you have shingles on leg?

Check with a doctor, please.

Should you get shingles vaccine when you have shingles?

Yes, shingles vaccine is recommended for patients 60 and over whether they remember having chickenpox or not (see related link). You still could get shingles even if you don't remember having chickenpox.

Bell's palsy with pain and rash?

It could be Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome. The "pain and rash" referred to is too general to determine exactly what is meant, but it could mean the condition known as shingles. This syndrome a combination of shingles from the reactivated herpes zoster virus (chickenpox) in an area near the Facial Nerve. The rash and blisters cause an inflammation of that nerve which then causes Bell's Palsy. Of course, "pain and rash" as the question puts it is so general in nature it can mean anything. Pain where? Rash where? What kind of pain? What kind of rash? If the "pain and rash" is something other than shingles, then it is not Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome. It becomes academic, however, because the palsy is still Bell's Palsy as long as it was caused by damage to the Facial Nerve and not some other damage. If the shingles did cause the BP, then treating the shingles with anti-viral medications may speed recovery from the shingles and once the shingles are gone, so will the source of the nerve inflammation. That means that facial muscle movement will most likely return.