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Q: Can you contract herpes if you have no cervix?
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What microorganism may be found in an erythematous cervix?

An erythematous cervix may signify yeast, herpes, or trichomonas, or could be a finding that's normal for the patient. With trichomoniasis, the cervix can get so read that it's called a "strawberry cervix."

What should you do while you are young?

Not contract herpes.

Can you contract fever blister from a kiss on the neck?

You can get the herpes virus from a kiss on the neck if the person kissing you had an outbreak of herpes or just before the outbreak arose. The neck is a common place for herpes gladiatorum as well.

Could you give your son herpes from feeding him food from your mouth?

Yes, it is highly probable. Herpes is contagious and any skin on skin or fluid contact will contract the disease.

Can a woman take a longer dick after a hysterectomy?

No.The vagina is closed by stitches after the uterus and cervix are removed If the cervix is retained then this is closed as well.The vagina is flexible and will expand and contract like elastic.

Why would a woman need a pap spear if they have had a hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is removal of womb only leaving the cervix in place. Pap smears are done to identify cancerous cells in the cervix so if you still have a cervix you are still at risk of cervical cancer. Women who have a total hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix) are unlikely to contract this type of cancer.

How many people have died from impetigo?

Although there is no cure, No one has ever died from herpes. Herpes isn't like aids, you can't die from it.As far as I know of there are no reported deaths related to herpes. The common types of herpes are not life threatening to adults. But it can have cause some complications to babies if they contract it at birth but herpes is rarely passed at birth.

Did Former President Clinton contract herpes?

There is no credible evidence or information to suggest that former President Clinton contracted herpes. It is important to rely on accurate sources when discussing individuals' health conditions

Are clothes of herpes zoster contagious?

The virus has a limited time it can live outside of the body. It is not likely to contract the virus from clothes.

What are health hazards to sucking a guys dil?

hello- you can contract venerial diseases like herpes or syphillis among others. its a no no.

If herpes is not present can you still get it from kissing?

If one person does not have herpes, it is highly unlikely for them to contract it by kissing someone with herpes. However, there is still a small risk of transmission if there are active herpes lesions or sores present on the person with herpes. It is always advisable to practice safe kissing and maintain good oral hygiene.

Is collum the scientific name for cervix?

No. Cervix is the scientific name for cervix.