

Can you convert a painted pool into a salt water pool?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Simply put any pool can be a salt water pool, even an above ground pool.

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Q: Can you convert a painted pool into a salt water pool?
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How do you convert a fresh water pool to a salt water pool?

Add salt

What is a fresh water swimming pool?

A fresh water swimming pool is a swimming pool that does not use a saltwater chlorinator. A pool that used a salt water chlorinator has salt added to it to so that a salt water chlorinator can electronically convert part of the salt into chlorine. A fresh water pool has chlorine added to it directly either manually or Automatically.

How often would you need a pool maintenance person when you convert a chloride water pool to a salt water pool?

two or three days a week

Will switching from chlorine chemical system to a salt water system ruin pool?

No A salt water pool is in fact also chlorine pool, the difference being that with a salt water pool a salt water chlorinator converts the salt that is in the water into chlorine gas which is then dissolved into the water while the filter is running. the conversion wont have any adverse effects on the pool.

You currently have an above ground pool using a Baquacil not chlorine based system Can you convert this system to salt without problems?

You first have to convert the pool to a chlorine system As a salt water system is a chlorine system.

Can you convert a chlorine pool to a sea salt pool?

Yes you can convert to a salt system. As you know a chemical component of salt is chlorine so it works just as well, however, unless you change the metals used on your stairs and other fixtures in and around your pool the salt water will be corrosive and you will see the effects in about 3 or 4 years of use. New pools being built with salt systems use metals that salt water will not corrode, such as brass.

How do you convert a chlorine pool to a salt water pool?

Converting to a salt water pool requires the installation of a chlorine generator, and the salt for the pool water. Salt water pool are in fact chlorine pools the difference lays in the fact that chlorine is produced by running salt water through electrodes that in turn releases chlorine from the salt which is usually Sodium chloride (common salt) It may pay to also look at A new more environmentally friendly and healthier alternative By looking at Magnesium and potassium chloride salts.

Can you use salt and chlorine in your pool?

Yes as a mater of fact that is what salt water pool normally is. With a salt water pool there is a electronic salt water chlorinator installed that uses the salt in the water to create chlorine. However if you don't have a salt water chlorinator and prefer the feeling of a salt water pool then there is no reason not to add salt to the pool as well as keeping up the chlorine yourself.

What do salt chlorinators do?

They convert salt into chlrorine to sanitize the pool water...

Do you ad salt to a salt water pool?

No. salt water is salt water. it already has salt in it

Can you make your own saltwater by just adding salt into your pool and if so how much salt and what type of salt should you use?

No you will not have a salt water pool. yes you will have salt water but the actual electronic plates found in a genrator converts the salt in the water to chlorine to sanitize the pool water. A: You have to have the mechanical device to produce the chlorine in a salt pool. THE SALT A MEANS TO PRODUCE CHLORINE FOR YOUR POOL!

Does a salt water pool or a chlorinated pool attract more mosquitoes?

stagnet or still water attracts mosquitos weather salt brackish or chlorine Not your pool. A salt water pool IS a chlorinated pool if the system is working properly.