

Best Answer

You need a big microwaveable bowl, the noodles (obviously), some salt (not just for flavoring - read the second article linked), pot holders, and then something to drain it with.

Read more: Can_you_cook_raw_spaghetti_in_microwave

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12y ago
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13y ago

What type of pasta is it?

Is it in a packet and does the packet say yes? if not..

simply boil water on stove, not in microwave then add pasta and tast waiting for it to reach the crunch you like.

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9y ago

It should say on the packet. (if it's pot/instant noodles then yes).

Another answer:

I always cook them in the microwave. I use plain dried noodles. Put them in a large jug, cover them well with boiling water and cook for the time it gives for a saucepan. Try them and cook a bit more if they are not soft enough for you. You can obviously add more hot water at this point if they need it. I add any seasoning after I've drained them, usually just soy sauce, but if you like the packets of ersatz flavour they sometimes give you, put it in with the hot water.
Kinda-sorta. You can put dry noodles in a microwave-proof bowl, Pour water on until the noodles are almost submerged. Then microwave until they're cooked.

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13y ago

Yup, you sure can. See related links that give instructions. And thank goodness, as it can be awesome for those living in a dorm.

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13y ago

Yes, I had pasta tonight and had to heat it up in the microwave

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12y ago

Certainly you can. It's better to cover it with foil to cut down on over browning at the edges. Personally, I use a steamer and a stainless steel bowl to do the job.

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14y ago

some pastas yes

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13y ago

You don't.

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12y ago


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Q: Can you cook noodles in a microwave?
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