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Pancreatitis isn't treated with a drug or medication. For a quick recovery, a person with pancreatitis should be treated in a hospital. Likely, (though it depends on the severity) they would be given high amounts of IV fluids and would not be allowed to eat. This allows the pancreas to rest (as it's not having to produce the digestive enzymes your body needs to break down foods) and flushes everything from the system.

For someone self-treating the condition, it is advised to drink a lot of water and to not take in any food for a couple of days.

If you are referring to what one could take to help with the pain of pancreatitis, Tylenol, acetaminophen, even Percocet (Acetaminophen and Oxycodone) is allowed.

It is strongly advised to go to a hospital or clinic, however, if you are suffering from acute pancreatitis.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Treatment of acute pancreatitis involves quickly and sufficiently replacing lost fluids by giving the patient new fluids through a needle inserted in a vein (intravenous or IV fluids). Pain is treated with a variety of medications.

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11y ago

Yeah, pancreatitis is treatable and removable, the catch is if you don't figure out and fix the source of the pancreatitis, whether that be alchohol, medications, gallstones, etc. the condition can come back.

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13y ago

Patients receive IV replacement fluids, receive pain medication, and are monitored for complications. Treatment of chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol consumption requires that the patient stop drinking alcohol entirely.

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10y ago

No, modern medicine has no method of curing pancreatitis, but there are some things we do to treat the condition. Pancreatitis is generally split into two categories; acute and chronic. The treatment varies based on what type you have. By the way, acute, in medicine, means short duration. Chronic means it's a long lasting condition.

Acute - People with acute pancreatitis need to go to the hospital, where they will receive an IV drip to restore any lost fluids and maintain blood pressure. Also, pain medication (often the medication is morphine) is administered to manage... well, pain. Pancreatitis, acute and chronic, is a very painful disease to have. It's essentially inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammation hurts! Do you notice something about the treatment? IV fluids to restore lost fluids and maintain blood pressure... pain medication to manage pain... see the pattern? Treatment focuses on keeping the body stable while it heals itself. The body's an amazing thing! Sometimes the best treatment is just keeping it healthy while it heals a specific area.

Chronic - People with chronic pancreatitis have to make some life changes. For one thing, no alcohol can be consumed. Even a little bit can cause intense pain and exacerbate the condition. People with acute pancreatitis shouldn't drink at all either, but as it is not long lasting, it's usually not that much of an adjustment. People with chronic pancreatitis also need to eat a low fat diet. Also, chronic pancreatitis can have flare ups. Remember how acute pancreatitis patients need to be taken to the hospital? Well, chronic pancreatitis patients don't need to be in the hospital all the time or anything, but the disease can flare up into spouts of acute pancreatitis, wherein they need to be taken to the hospital. If chronic pancreatitis gets worse, the patient may need to take pain killers, enzymes, and perhaps even insulin to manage their condition.

While pancreatitis is a horrible disease, and while there is no cure, the treatment can be immensely helpful to the sufferers.

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13y ago

Medical treatment is usually focused on relieving symptoms and preventing further aggravation to the pancreas. Certain complications of either acute pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis may require surgery or a blood transfusion.

In acute pancreatitis, the choice of treatment is based on the severity of the attack. If no complications are present, care usually focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting body functions so that the pancreas can recover.

  • Most people who are having an attack of acute pancreatitis are admitted to the hospital.
  • Those people who are having trouble breathing are given oxygen.
  • An IV line is started, usually in the arm. The IV line is used to give medications and fluids. The fluids replace water lost from vomiting or from inability to take in fluids, helping the person to feel better.
  • If needed, medications for pain and nausea are prescribed.
  • Antibiotics are given if the health care provider suspects an infection may be present.
  • No food or liquid should be taken by mouth for a few days. This is called bowel rest. By refraining from food or liquid intake, the intestinal tract and pancreas are given a chance to start healing.
  • Some people may need a nasogastric (NG) tube. The thin, flexible plastic tube is inserted through the nose and down into the stomach to suck out the stomach juices. This suction of the stomach juices rests the intestine further, helping the pancreas to recover.
  • If the attack lasts longer than a few days, nutritional supplements are administered through an IV line.
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9y ago

There are several things that doctors do to treat pancreatitis. Some of these things include surgery, medications, change in diets, and pain management.

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9y ago

If you are suffering from pancreatitis, you will need to seek medical treatment.

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10y ago

Chronic pancreatic is treated with antibiotics and pain medicines. You can also expect a bland diet, no spicy foods and no caffeine. You will get flare ups and have to do this all over again.

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well i have pancreatitis too but too bad no you cant sorry pal

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Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas whereas hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver.

Can Acute Chemical Pancreatitis such as that brought on post surgery ever lead to Chronic Pancreatitis?

It could but probably would not. Acute pancreatitis is usually temporary due to alcohol, drugs, ect. Things that can be changed or eliminated entirely. Chronic pancreatitis is caused by other things. Gallstones, problems with the pancreas itself, ect. But with either type of pancreatitis diet plays a big part. People that suffer from chronic pancreatitis learn very quickly what can be tolerated and what cannot. And either kind of pancreatitis can be deadly, and is extremely painful.

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Yes, the pancreas is inflamed and often times infected during pancreatitis making it a painful condition. IV or oral pain medication is often paired with the treatment of pancreatitis.

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Chronic pancreatitis--or continuing inflammation of the pancreas that results in permanent damage to this organ--can develop from long-standing, recurring episodes of acute (periodic) pancreatitis.

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yes in case of pancreatitis patient is kept on nil per mouth

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