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Q: Can you describe the formation of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks?
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What are the 3 types of sedimentary?

Mechanically formed sedimentary rock , Chemically formed sedimentary rock and Organically formed sedimentary rock.

What types of sedimentary rocks are there?

Physically/mechanically formed sedimentary rock, organically/biologically formed sedimentary rock, and chemically formed sedimentary rock.

What are rock groups that are classified as clastic sedimentary rocks?

They are mechanically formed sedimentary rocks, such as Sandstone and Conglomerate.

What are the types of sedimentary rocks?

Clastic and nonclastic

List three major groups of sedimentary rock?

Sandstone and shale Actually it is Organic, Clastic, and Chemical

How is the lithosphere formed and shaped?

Deposition is the first step in the formation of new sedimentary.

What temperature is sedimentary rock formed at?

Sedimentary rocks can be formed at any temperature found on the surface of the Earth. Diagensis of sedimentary rocks occurs at temperatures up to the formation of chlorite (200C) from then on they are metamorphic rocks.

Are sedimentary rocks formed from fragments of other rocks chemical sedimentary rocks?

No. The rocks you describe are clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks.

What is mechanically formed sedimentary rock?

Rocks formed by accumulation of materials from other rocks which are cemented together. Eg: sandstones formed from sand grains, granite made up of quartz.

Is sedimentary a noun or verb?

"Sedimentary" is an adjective used to describe a type of rock formed from the deposition of sediment.

How was sedimentary rock formed?

SEDIMENTARY ROCK FORMATION, begins with igneous, metamorphic, or other sedimentary rocks. When these rocks are exposed at the earth's surface they begin the long but relentless process of becoming sedimentary rock.

What is a type of sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of minerals dissolved in a lake river or seawater?

sedimentary rock formed by the denudational process of various activity. the sediments in sea water may deposited and thus lead to the formation of sedimentary rock