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Yes and no. Usually you have to be born with psychopathy; but if you get a tumor or severe enough brain damage in your pre-frontal cortex--where scientists have found faulty wiring in psychopaths--you might be able to experience some symptons of psychopathy. You see the frontal lobe plays a big part in the personality of the person, so getting severe blow to the forehead can cause personality change. I would also like to add that I may have gotten the sections of the brain wrong, but i got the general idea. Don't hold it against me.

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Q: Can you develop psychopathy or do you have it all your life?
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How does psychopathy develop according to the Psychoanalytic theory?

Psychopathy develops due to developmental defects, such as attachment disorder, low self esteem, under arousal, and non existent aniexty, grandiose etc.

Can psychopathy be treated?

Primary psychopathy cannot be treated, secondary psychopathy can be treated.

How does someone get psychopathy?

Primary psychopathy begins in the womb, secondary psychopathy is a result of surroundings, trauma, etc.

How does psychopathy begin?

Primary psychopathy begins in the womb, secondary psychopathy is usually a result of surroundings, trauma, etc.

What are the causes of psychopathy?

The exact causes of psychopathy are not fully understood, but research suggests a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors may contribute. Factors such as genetic predisposition, brain abnormalities, and early exposure to trauma or neglect have been linked to the development of psychopathic traits.

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The cast of Psychopathy - 2011 includes: Shannon Lynette as Carrie

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this is called psychopathy. thats not really true as psychopathy is a blanket term for many mental illnesses

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no ALS started to develop during his twenty first year of his life.

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There are varies causes psychopathy. In most cases, this is believed to be caused antisocial behavior which is characterized by lack of empathy and callousness among other attributes.

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Psychopathy aside, some people have no regard for others because it does not affect them if they don't. Such is life - sorry.

What is the number 1 motive for stealing?

Greed and psychopathy.