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You can get Mercury poisoning, most commonly obtained by eating dolphins (which have higher levels of mercury than some other animals). Which, as the name inplies, poisons you slowly.

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7y ago

Yes. Mercury poisoning is quite possible.

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Q: Can you die from mercury exposure?
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What did Sir Issac Newton die from?

Large amounts of Mercury exposure.

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Cumulative exposure to mercury, lead and their compounds, and other metals caused him to die

What is Mercury obtained?

The consumption of fish is by far the most significant source of ingestion-related mercury exposure in humans, although plants and livestock also contain mercury. Exposure to mercury can occur from breathing contaminated air; from eating foods containing mercury residues from processing, such as can occur with high fructose corn syrup; from exposure to mercury vapor in mercury amalgam dental restorations; and from improper use or disposal of mercury and mercury-containing objects.Source:

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they used Mercury to make the hats, so they eventually went crazy from over exposure to Mercury... look up symptoms on google for mercury exposure

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Will Mercury kill cattle?

Yes. Mercury has the very same effects on cattle as it does on humans, which means that any level or exposure of mercury can and will kill.

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What can Mercury in tuna do you?

Mercury poisoning (also known as mercurialism, hydrargyria, Hunter-Russell syndrome, or acrodynia when affecting children) is a disease caused by exposure to mercury or its toxic compounds.

What exposure to mercury result in?

Exposure to mercury can result in a range of health effects, including damage to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems. Symptoms can include tremors, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, and impaired cognitive function. Severe cases of mercury poisoning can cause kidney failure and be fatal.

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What is deadlier formaldehyde or Mercury?

What is deadlier than formaldehyde and mercury? Mercury toxicity followed by formaldehyde exposure. The two work cynically hand in hand, and together have an exponentially greater effect in destroying the human body.

Can you die by touching quicksiver?

Quicksilver, or Mercury as it appears on the Periodic Table is a heavy metal. As such it should not be handled as it is toxic. A single touch may not kill you, but repeated exposure, or breathing of the fumes, can cause serious health effects.