

Can you die if you eat sand?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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only if you eat to much

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Q: Can you die if you eat sand?
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the bearded dragon can easily accidentally eat the sand while eating crickets. if it eats too much it can get impacted with the sand and die. its also possible for the sand to get stuck in the cloaca while defecating or in the eyes.

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they are herbivores so they eat grass ,flowers,and fruits

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you will have chocolate and sand poo

Can Bearded Dragons die from eating on sand?

Yes most likely. if you left worms or crikits in there it might of gone to eat them and missed and accidentaly ate sand. :( Or if it was laying on it's back when you found him he might of accidentaly buried himself in sand while struggling to turn over an swalloed some sand and suffocated:(