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Unless you know someone who works for the IRS well enough for that person to be willing to break the law on your behalf, I don't know of any way you could do this "discreetly".

If you have income you should report, report it. If you've gotten a W-2 form or Form 1099, then you don't need to "find out" discreetly or otherwise, because they know. If you should have gotten one but didn't, they may or may not know, but the safe assumption would be that they do and that the taxes cannot possibly be as much as the taxes and penalties for not reporting it. They may not know about illegal income, but you can't realistically assume that (that's how they brought down Al Capone).

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Q: Can you discreetly find out what information the IRS has on you or let a sleeping dog lie?
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The best place to find information on tax equity would be on the IRS website. By finding your information on tax equity on the IRS website you can be certain the information you find is honest and legitimate.

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One would be able to find information on how to stop an IRS tax levy at Tax Freedom Institute. They have extensive information on IRS procedures and tax levies.

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You can find information on IRS e file on the Internal Revenue Service official website. You can transact all of your filing and find important information on this website as well.

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A person may find more information on Tax Relief through the IRS's official website, by reading the IRS's 'Publication 4681'. Through the IRS website, you will find detailed information on Debt procedures, and what to do if you are facing foreclosure.

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One can find information about IRS laws from the following sources: IRS Government website, Nolo, Uncle Fed, Forbes, Cobar, Fullerton, Rocket Lawyer, Liberty Tax.

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One can find more information on IRS Taxpayer Representation on the IRS website, in the section titled 'Taxpayer Rights'. In this section it describes the right one has as a taxpayer, including the right to representation.

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Contact your local IRS office to find this information out.

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