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Q: Can you do the splits if you have long legs?
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What does the splits mean?

spreading your legs

How do you increase your flexibility so you can do the splits?

i s-disagree !! you should just stretch your legs for a long time and try to do the splits. Continue this for 3-4 weeks then you will probily be able to do them :)

Why are the splits called the splits?

because your legs look like 1 banana in a banana split.

How can you do splits?

Putting your legs apart from each one

What is the splits in ballet?

open your legs wide open

How do you do the full splits?

pull your legs apart and sit down

Can you break your legs doing the splits?

Generally you cannot break your legs doing the splits, though if you are not warmed up properly than you can injure your muscles or ligaments.

How do you get your leg flexible?

you should stretch your legs like trying to do the splits

Is there 2 ways to do a Jazz split?

Both legs and box splits

How do you do box splits?

Well box splits are a Lot harder than side splits, box splits is about the stretching in your thighs and your muscles, to do this you must stretch a Lot and go down in box splits as far as you can and sit in it for 10seconds this may occur each day/night you do it. Or.. Only stretch your legs try lifting your legs as high as you can, maybe start gymnastics and learn from them. You can't do box splits, I mean learn to do them, it's how flexible and supple you are... Hope I helped

Is the splits supposed to be all the way down?

No! According to me the splits are not suppose to be all the way down. Flexing your leg does not mean sitting with your legs spread apart

How do you work on my splits?

stretch your legs every day I'm not very flexible LOL