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I hope so...

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Q: Can you donate bone marrow if you have smoked pot for years and still do?
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Who can donate bone marrow?

You must be at least 18 years of age and no older than 60. An individual must be 18 to donate because marrow donation is a surgical procedure and the person undergoing the procedure must legally be able to give informed consent. A guardian or parent cannot sign a release or give consent because unrelated marrow donation is a voluntary procedure and is not beneficial or life-saving to the donor.

Is smoked beacon raw or cooked?

its semi cooked, as it is smoked. Smoked foods can be preserved for long. Its a technique used for years and years, when science and chemical were not available

You smoked weed 104 days ago is it still in your system you have smoked about 5 or 6 times in your entire life?

hell no its not i smoked like for 2 3 years like every day and in 20 30 days i was clean so dont worry about it

Does maury povich smoke?

it is rumored that Maury Povich smoked cigarettes many years ago. It is not known if he still smokes or not.

You have not smoked marijuana since march and its may now why is it still in your system?

it stays in your hair folicals for over 2 years idk why really but that's why its still in your system

How long will you live for if you smoked for 10 years?

10 years

You smoked one joint 5 weeks ago will it still be in your system?

It should be untraceable in urine after 30 days. It's traceable in your hair for years.

Did Miley Cyrus once smoke?

Yes she did once she was eighteen years old and smoked salvia out of a bong I'm not sure if she still does but I don't think so

Can you be too old to donate blood?

The maximum age to donate blood is seventy five years old.

How long have people smoked cannabis?

Marijuana has been cultivated for thousands of years.

If you donate a kidney how long will you live?

100 years

How long after total shoulder replacement surgery can you donate blood?

You can not donate blood next five years after ACL surgery.