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Q: Can you drive while taking prosac?
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You should be fine to drive whilst taking diclofenac.

When taking medicine should you drive?

It depends what the medication is. Some (but not all) medications can cause drowsiness - and will usually state on the label that it's unwise to drive while taking it.

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now a days superchargers are replaced by the turbocharger. supercharger is taking drive from engine while turbocharger taking drive from exhaust gases.

Is it legal to drive while taking prescribed Concerta?

Yes. so long as you are prescribed it.

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yes you can take depakote while driving. I take depakote for seizures, however if you are diagnosed with epilepsy it is a good idea to not drive for 60 days so the medicine has time do control your condition.

Can you drive a commercial truck or bus while on warfarin?

The disqualifying medications are: any prescription medicine or controlled substance without a prescription a habit forming drug, unless the prescribing doctor writes a letter stating you are safe to be a commercial driver while taking the medicine. If you have that letter, the medical examiner can, but does not have to, certify you to drive antiseizure medicines used to prevent seizures methadone As long as you have a prescription for warfarin, you can drive while taking it.

Why is it dangerous to drive while taking anthistamines?

Amphetamines are dangerous to take before and while driving. They reduce coordination and affect the ability to judge speed and distance.

Can you drive a tow truck while taking methadone?

If you are taking any form of medication responsibly as prescribed, it is fine to operate heavy equipment unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Is it legal to drive while taking 5 mg of vallium?

Not if you are mentally or physically impaired from it. Never take anything that could impair your ability to drive, or you will be charged with Driving While Impaired. If convicted, which you probably will be, you will lose your driver's license.

Can you drive a car while on Ativan?

If you want to hit things... then sure go ahead

If you are taking a prescribed drug and are going to drive?

conduct a self-inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects