

Can you eat citronella

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Can you eat citronella
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Can rabbits eat citronella?

No, rabbits shouldn't eat citronella. Citronella is the name for both an essential oil, and a group of trees/shrubs (mostly growing in tropical climates).Citronella oil - Rabbits shouldn't eat or lick any essential oils, they're just too potent.Citronella plants - Although not listed on the popular lists of plants known to be toxic to rabbits, that doesn't mean they aren't toxic. These lists (one is linked below) are always important to consult but they can't be perfectly complete.There are many foods that are safe for rabbits to eat -- it's best to stick to those. If your rabbit has already eaten citronella (either oil or plant), do the same thing you should do whenever rabbits eat something possibly unsafe: watch for signs of illness (and respond appropriately if illness occurs), and encourage lots of hay eating and water drinking. See related questions below for more help.

Why are large yellow ants called citronella ants?

Because they are the same thing as yellow ants, citronella is there nickname/scientific name.

How do I dilute citronella oil to spray on skin as insect repellent?

To dilute citronella oil, combine it with a liquid base. Try combining it with witch hazel, olive oil, vodka, or rubbing alcohol.

What do chipola slab shells eat?

they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay they eat nothing their gay

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Related questions

Can horses eat citronella?

No, citronella is not something a horse can eat. It is however used in bug repellents that are often used on horses. If a horse ingests citronella call and equine veterinarian immediately.

What is word citronella tree translated to Telugu?

The word "citronella tree" translated to Telugu is కెసరువాస్త్రి చెట్టు (Kesaruvastri Chettu).

What is Citronella plant in Tagalog?

Citronella is, a lemon grass

How can you tell a lemongrass plant from citronella?

Citronella plant has red or purple stems where as lemon grass has green stems. Citronella is toxic to animals.

Can rabbits eat citronella?

No, rabbits shouldn't eat citronella. Citronella is the name for both an essential oil, and a group of trees/shrubs (mostly growing in tropical climates).Citronella oil - Rabbits shouldn't eat or lick any essential oils, they're just too potent.Citronella plants - Although not listed on the popular lists of plants known to be toxic to rabbits, that doesn't mean they aren't toxic. These lists (one is linked below) are always important to consult but they can't be perfectly complete.There are many foods that are safe for rabbits to eat -- it's best to stick to those. If your rabbit has already eaten citronella (either oil or plant), do the same thing you should do whenever rabbits eat something possibly unsafe: watch for signs of illness (and respond appropriately if illness occurs), and encourage lots of hay eating and water drinking. See related questions below for more help.

Is citronella a type of wax?

No, it's a word used for a variety of plants. Citronella candles are candles scented with citronella oil, oil from from plants in the Cymbopogon genus (lemongrass).

What is the formula of major ingredients for citronella oil?

Citronella oil contains Citronellal (C10H18O), Citronellol and Geraniol.

Is citronella poisonous?

It is toxic

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What does citronella do?

== == I had a cricket in my house, and I dropped one drop of citronella essential oil on it. It died within 20 seconds.

Where can someone purchase Citronella sprays?

One can purchase Citronella sprays at places such as Amazon and eBay. One should use caution when purchasing Citronella spray because is being phased out by Health Canada.