

Can you eat fish bones

Updated: 11/7/2022
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12y ago

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It depends on the species of fish or the size of the bones. Because bones are pure calcium, they cannot be digested by the human body.

Small bones such as those found in cod and haddock can be swallowed and won't cause too many issues. However small bones are also a choking hazard, especially for children. If your child starts choking after consuming fish, investigate the child's throat. If choking resumes, take the child to emergency services immediately.

However larger bones can get caught in your throat or intestines.

If stuck in your throat they can cause choking, by forcing the flap at the back of your throat (the epiglottis) to stay open, preventing air entering your lungs.

If they are caught in your intestines, they can cause blockages and build-ups of waste food which will lead to chronic pain and stretching of the intestines due to gas build-up. Surgery may be required in this case.

Some bones are also rather sharp and can slice the internal walls of your throat, stomach and intestines. If you feel a sharp cut in your throat or taste blood after accidently swallowing bones, see a doctor immediately.

There is a myth that swallowing wet bread will dislodge large bones stuck in your throat. While in some rare cases that does work, it's not recommended. The bread could also get lodged with the bone and worsen the choking. Also, large bones are better out than in.

Another myth is that you can get extra protein from eating bones. As mentioned above, the human body cannot digest bones.

In summary, accidently swallowing small fish bones is fine and will exit your system with no complications. But larger or sharper bones could be a problem.

You should never deliberately swallow bones.

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