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Generally: no. The rule of not eating or drinking before surgery isn't therer for the surgery itself, but for the anesthetic. Narcosis is a serious matter, and trying to intubate a person that has eaten something can be very dangerous, as they will vomit and thus possibly inhale some vomit. This leads to aspiration pneumonia, which can be very dangerous and even lethal. Even if you are having surgery that can be done under regional anesthetic, most anesthesiologists will ask you not to eat or drink, as when something goes wrong, they then can just intubate you and deal with almost anything a lot easier.

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Q: Can you eat or drink anything before ear tube surgery?
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What should you do if you find a leak when performing a drink tube leak check?

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What should you do to find a leak when performing a drink tube leak check while inspecting the drink tube assembly on the protective mask?

before drinking check the lid to ensure its no leaking since u dont need a mask thats ridiculous