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Q: Can you eat or drink prior to an EKG?
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Prior to a colonoscopy, you will not eat ANYTHING for about 16 hours. You will drink a LOT of fluids and use a laxative to completely empty your colon.

What restrictions are placed on a patient prior to a Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure?

Patients undergoing a Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure must not eat or drink for eight hours prior to the surgery.

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Because this procedure is categorized as a surgery, the patient will be instructed not to eat or drink anything for at least six hours prior to the test.

When do you standardize an EKG?

before and after you run EKG

What do moths eat and or drink?

They drink nectar and wool

What do worms eat and drink?

They Drink water and eat compost

What is the thing if you eat that it will be haraam but if you drink that it will be halal?

their is noting that can be harame when you eat it if it is halal when you drink it or if it is haram to eat it it is haram to drink it to

What is the name of EKG tracing?

EKG stands for electrocardiogram.

What dietary restrictions must an orchiectomy patient adhere to prior to surgery?

Patients should not eat or drink anything for the eight hours before the scheduled time of surgery.

Do you eat or drink porridge?

Eat because it has lumps and you don't sit and slurp it do you or have it in a cup.

What do wolves eat and drink?

wolves drink water and eat meat

How do you say eat and drink in french?

To eat = manger To drink = boire