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Yes, you can but it is not a very sensible thing to do! Actually, eating sugar is not a good idea anyway.

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Q: Can you eat sugar when you have a cavity?
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What happens if you eat too much sugar?

You will agin weight ---------------------------- you will have weight problems and u can get cavity and have problems with your body...

Do you have a sentence using cavity?

if you eat to much candy you get a cavity

Why shoudn't you have sugar snacks?

u should eat them sparingly because they r not good for u and if u dont brush ur teeth u can get a cavity

What is the cavity between bones at the joint?

A cavity is a decayed part of a tooth. A cavity can be caused by decay plaque, sugar and acid. Dentists fix cavities by drilling them.

What would happen if there was no buccal cavity in the human body?

If you have not buccal cavity you cannot eat and will starve.

Why cavities are bad?

Cavities are bad because they can damage your teeth and they wont look good anymore. If you eat to much sugar you'll get a fill (AKA, a cavity) and that is very bad care for your sensitive teeth!

Can you eat sugar cane and get diabetes?

Sugar is sugar no matter where it comes from so if you eat enough or is sensitive yes you can..

What causes a cavity?

Mainly bacteria. When you eat the food gets stuck on your teeth. The food turns to sugar eventually and the bacteria eat the sugar and your tooth enamel also in the process. That is why eating lots of sweets which are high in sugar is worst than eating normal food because sweets are usually loaded with sugar. Solution to cavities? Always brush right after you eat so the food doesn't have time to turn to the sugar that the bacteria want to eat. Also be sure to floss. The food stuck betwen your teeth won't come out with just brushing. Flossing is critical to not having cavities. So is genetics. Some people are more susceptible to cavities than others. I can't tell you why but I have met people who have never had a cavity in their life while most everyone I know has has them. It's kinda weird to see someone open their mouth and their is no silver fillings, nothing but white.

How often can sugar gliders eat chicken?

Sugar gliders should not eat chicken.

What is the cure for cavities?

To cure a cavity you have to watch what you eat/no sugar and lots of milk,also you can use special denture tooth paced and brush 3 times a day for 2 minutes and also remember to floss were the cavity is so that you don't get any more plaque in it to make it worse. written by a professional health care manager

Do crickets eat sugar?

Crickets do eat sugar. But only most of them. The best sugar that crickets can eat are sugar cubes. Because the tiny cristals of the other sugar the crickets can choke on them. Once I put the tiny cristals in the bowl and alot died

What are facts about sugar?

Sugar is stikcy sweet stuff you can eat. But if you eat too much you will get sick.